Drax announces £150m share buyback after record profits https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/apr/26/drax-announces-150m-share-buyback-after-record-profits?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
These fuckers are chopping down virgin Canadian forest, turning them into pellets, shipping them to UK, burning them to make energy and have the temerity to call it ‘carbon neutral’. Oh, and UK gov gives them £1.7m PER DAY in subsidy to do so. No wonder it’s so bloody profitable.
#axedrax #climatevandalism #ecocide
✉️ UK Government ✉️
Governments and Corporations be honest: biomass causes irreparable damage to the health of people and our life support systems. Classifying burning trees as renewable is a scam and the Government is making us pay for it.
Remove the £ billions in subsidies given to Drax and other biomass power stations in the UK. This money funds death and destruction around the world, harming POC and poorer communities the most whilst corporations profit. If we stop the money, we stop the destruction.
The £ billions given to biomass should be used to fund a just transition: furlough; retrain and transfer workers in the biomass industry; invest in education, affordable housing and health; fund genuine renewable energy. We must develop a plan of moving away from profit motives, which are fuelling the climate crisis, towards community based solutions.
🔥🌳 #StopBurningTrees 🌳🔥
🔥🔥🌳🔥 #AxeDrax 🔥🌳🔥🔥
💨🤢💨 #AirPollution 💨🤢💨
#stopburningtrees #axedrax #airpollution
RT @sbtcoalition
Tomorrow is Drax's AGM. This year they've made record profits, given their CEO a 70% pay rise and still received £617m in public subsidies. This money comes from polluting communities, burning trees and emitting huge amounts of carbon. Take action with us tomorrow! #AxeDrax
« En Angleterre, le mouvement "#AxeDrax" ("Mettons la hache dans Drax") exige la fin de cet #écoblanchiment. Ces contestataires de Drax affirment qu'il est faux de dire qu'une telle utilisation de la #biomasse est une énergie durable car, si on prend en considération l’empreinte totale de la filière des granulés de bois, leur combustion produirait autant, sinon plus de carbone que celle du charbon. »
Mettons la hache dans #Drax
#lautjournal #greenwashing #foret #drax #biomasse #ecoblanchiment #axedrax
« En Angleterre, le mouvement "#AxeDrax" ("Mettons la hache dans Drax") exige la fin de cet #écoblanchiment. Ces contestataires de Drax affirment qu'il est faux de dire qu'une telle utilisation de la #biomasse est une énergie durable car, si on prend en considération l’empreinte totale de la filière des granulés de bois, leur combustion produirait autant, sinon plus de carbone que celle du charbon.»
Mettons la hache dans #Drax
#lautjournal #greenwashing #foret #drax #biomasse #ecoblanchiment #axedrax
Join us on Monday 14th Nov to defend climate chaos and tell Barclays to drop drax. We have a week of events in person as well as online and a imporant e-action. You can find out more here https://www.biofuelwatch.org.uk/2022/defund-climate-chaos-and-tell-barclays-to-drop-drax/ #biomass #axedrax