A - kind of - press conference with the #Axiom2 crew after their return: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNFBI3dJEbs
The University of South Alabama Geology Program's #seismometer managed to capture a sonic boom caused by the #Axiom2 Crew Dragon as it reentered the atmosphere: https://www.facebook.com/usaearthsciences/posts/pfbid032AYPQYFyq11x2SaHzXxdcGCyqBtxDAB3B8x8zjEcVbsPfkzDnEvkc2f1yXRx1Wscl - the event was recorded at 3:08:31 UTC, just about a minute before the capsule touched down in the Gulf of Mexico. This was the "loudest" #SonicBoom recorded by the USA seismometer network which has been in operation since 2017 and caused shaking equivalent to about a magnitude 2.5 earthquake.
#sonicboom #axiom2 #seismometer
The first photographs of the #Axiom2 recovery operation are in: https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1663755054669778949
The first photographs of the #Axiom2 recovery operation are in: https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1663755054669778949
Seconds before the splashdown of the #Axiom2 Crew Dragon - see https://skyweek.wordpress.com/2023/05/31/die-fontane-von-enceladus-wie-sie-webb-sieht for more screencaps.
The de-orbit burn of the #Axiom2 Crew Dragon is underway: you can see the engines firing on the displays, seen in a live view from the spacecraft.
And now the conclusion - the splashdown of the #Axiom2 crew, expected one hour from now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJKH5MKKDfc
Meanwhile the #Axiom2 crew has left the ISS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ruz_yLit20 - and will splash down around 3:04 UTC Wednesday: https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacestation/2023/05/30/ax-2-astronauts-undock-from-station-inside-dragon-freedom/
Axiom 2 astronauts set to splashdown from the ISS on Tuesday
The second private mission to the International Space Station (ISS) is just about to comeā¦ The post Axiom 2 astronauts set to splashdown from the ISS on Tuesday appeared first on NASASpaceFlight.com .
#Commercial #Featured #International #ISS #Other #AX2 #Axiom #Axiom2 #Crew_Dragon #Dragon #Freedom #SpaceX
#commercial #featured #international #iss #other #ax2 #axiom #axiom2 #crew_dragon #dragon #freedom #spacex
Nazioarteko Espazio Estazioa-ren egungo egitura:
#ProgressMS22 (#Progress83)
#ProgressMS23 (#Progress84)
#progressms22 #progress83 #soyuzms23 #Crew6 #axiom2 #progressms23 #progress84 #69espedizioa #Espazioa #LurOrbita
An #ARISS event with #Axiom2's John Shoffner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtq7H1eTw4M - includes nice videos about the technical aspects of #HamRadio comms with the #ISS. Other events with the Axiom crew (via satellite with video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzeFFLURJJo and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewgDdEkQTEs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm3-KjXvRk4. And mission updates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W23rh7iD-nQ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9tj5RbcXqs
Nazioarteko Espazio Estazioa-ren egungo egitura:
#progressms22 #progress83 #soyuzms23 #Crew6 #axiom2 #69espedizioa #Espazioa #LurOrbita
The welcome ceremony for the #Axiom2 crew - which is sadly less well lit than the other seven ISS residents.
The #Axiom2 crew has entered the ISS - three screencaps from the webcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6WLkE-KoRc
The docking of #Axiom2 at 14:12 UTC took place without video downlinks but now we have a view of the Dragon at the ISS from an old exterior camera - I've de-distorted a cropped screencap.
The docking of #Axiom2 at 14:12 UTC took place without video downlinks but now we have a view of the Dragon at the ISS from an old exterior camera - I've de-distorted a cropped screencap.
Long webcast of #Axiom2 approach (so far just distant lights in the night ... and hot pixels galore :-), docking and ingress underway at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6WLkE-KoRc