Axon's #Ethics Board Resigned Over Taser-Armed #Drones. Then the Company Bought a #Military #Drone Maker
The CEO’s vision for Taser-equipped drones includes a fictitious scenario in which the technology averts a shooting at a day care center.
#axon #taser
#taser #axon #drone #military #drones #ethics
Our lab (Toyooka Lab @LabToyooka) at Drexel University in Philadelphia is seeking a research assistant who is enthusiastic about autism research. We study the efficacy of peptides on neuronal morphology (neurite/spine/synapse formation), neural circuits and behaviors using autism mouse models (See the details about the project at the lab webpage:
Please see the details and apply for this position (Job #: 501807) at the Drexel Human Resources website.
If you have any questions, please email me at
#autism #ASD #therapy #DrugDiscovery #ResearchAssistant #ResearchAssistantJob #AcademicJob #LabTechnician #neuroscience #brain #CellBiology #BrainDevelopment #neurodevelopment #neurodevelopmentalDisorder #Axon #dendrites #Synapse #NeuralCircuit #philadelphia
#autism #asd #therapy #drugdiscovery #researchassistant #researchassistantjob #academicjob #labtechnician #neuroscience #brain #cellbiology #braindevelopment #neurodevelopment #neurodevelopmentaldisorder #axon #dendrites #synapse #neuralcircuit #philadelphia
Our lab (Toyooka Lab @LabToyooka) at Drexel University in Philadelphia is seeking a postdoctoral researcher who is enthusiastic about autism research. We study the efficacy of peptides on neuronal morphology (neurite/spine/synapse formation), neural circuits and behaviors using autism mouse models (See the details about the project at the lab webpage:
Please see the details and apply for this position (Job #: 501741) at the Drexel Human Resources website.
If you have any questions, please email me at
#autism #ASD #therapy #DrugDiscovery #postdoc #PostdocJob #AcademicJob #neuroscience #brain #CellBiology #BrainDevelopment #neurodevelopment #neurodevelopmentalDisorder #Axon #dendrites #Synapse #NeuralCircuit #philadelphia
#autism #asd #therapy #drugdiscovery #postdoc #postdocjob #academicjob #neuroscience #brain #cellbiology #braindevelopment #neurodevelopment #neurodevelopmentaldisorder #axon #dendrites #synapse #neuralcircuit #philadelphia
Pericoloso l'uso del dissuasore elettrico taser. Come funziona il taser, la pistola che spara le scariche elettriche? La polizia americana lo usa da un po', da qualche anno è in dotazione anche alla polizia italiana: il taser, il dissuasore elettrico usato per rendere inoffensivi gli individui pericolosi. Come funziona?
#abruzzo #Axon #carabienieri #cardiologia #difesapersonale #dissuasoreelettrico #polizia #taser
#abruzzo #axon #carabienieri #cardiologia #difesapersonale #dissuasoreelettrico #polizia #taser
Issue 14:
Highlight on #ROR1 and #pancreatic #malignancy
Review on viral recognition and #antiviral #interferon response
#Autophagy news from plants and mammals
How #p97 disassembles a regulatory protein complex
Developmental #axon pruning by a #phospholipid #scramblase
Cover: Elisa Nerli, Caren Norden and colleagues
#ror1 #pancreatic #malignancy #Antiviral #interferon #autophagy #p97 #axon #phospholipid #scramblase
Digidata 1200 available- you’ll need a 16-bit ISA slot free on your 100% compatible 486 PC to cope with its high-speed acquisition though. #electrophysiology #OldTech #Axon
#electrophysiology #oldtech #axon
What fine-tunes #mammalian brain connectivity during #development?
Urtė Neniškytė, Cornelius Gross et al identify #Xkr8 #phospholipid #scramblase as responsible for #phosphatidylserine eat-me signal exposure and #axon pruning to prevent global hyperconnectivity
#mammalian #development #xkr8 #phospholipid #scramblase #phosphatidylserine #axon
RT @GrohJanos
Happy to share the final version of our article on mutant myelinating #glia, #neuroinflammation, #axon degeneration, and CD8+ CNS-associated #Tcells in @iScience_CP:
Many thanks to everyone involved!
#tcells #axon #neuroinflammation #glia
Live imaging of KD'd #neurotrophin receptors reveals that axonal branching induced by async stimulation of the #axon wrt other inputs requires p75-NTR, but Hebbian stabilization of the arbor involves TrkB activation @elkutsarova @ed_ruthazer #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #axon #neurotrophin
Live imaging of KD'd #neurotrophin receptors reveals that axonal branching induced by async stimulation of the #axon wrt other inputs requires p75-NTR, but Hebbian stabilization of the arbor involves TrkB activation @elkutsarova @ed_ruthazer #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #axon #neurotrophin
Live imaging of KD'd #neurotrophin receptors reveals that axonal branching induced by async stimulation of the #axon wrt other inputs requires p75-NTR, but Hebbian stabilization of the arbor involves TrkB activation @elkutsarova @ed_ruthazer #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #axon #neurotrophin
Whether it's the #Axon #CEO gleefully touting his products as unalloyed good, or the training session with #BaltimoreCity #police showing us a few of the people who have the nearly unrestricted right to kill any one of us, nothing in this #documentary gives any indication that the maker or users of these products have any interest at all in the well-being of the people these weapons and tools are purportively meant to ultimately make and keep safe: the citizens.
#Documentary #Police #baltimorecity #ceo #axon
#AllLightEverywhere is a #documentary on #Hulu released in #2021 but apparently mostly shot #2017 through #2019 that attempts to cover the ever-timely topic of #surveillance in the #US, particularly by the #police on #Black communities.
It's a patchwork of concepts and ideas that does best when it's focused on #Axon, the company that makes most of the #BodyCameras and #tasers used by police departments in the U.S.
That's chilling. Especially that their cameras deliberately distort perspective.
#tasers #bodycameras #axon #black #Police #US #Surveillance #hulu #Documentary #alllighteverywhere
Putting out a request again for any #Tripwire SME who would be willing to chat.
I know how Tripwire works. I understand Nodes, Rules, and Tasks. I think I understand Policies and Actions.
The building blocks are all there to build a robust #FIM and #Compliance monitoring and reporting process.
But you have to build it from scratch and there is scant documentation on the best way to start.
I'd love to talk to someone who has already built one up to make sure I don't spend time going down the wrong road.
The only components we are using are #TripwireEnterprise and #Axon agents.
#tripwire #fim #compliance #tripwireenterprise #axon
Wanyue Xu et al. present a new approach for studying #axon #pruning using the #Drosophila motor #neuron:
“Not all neurons that undergo pruning at an early stage are easy to observe and genetically screen”
Check out this interview with Wanyue to find out more about the story behind the paper:
#Development #DevBio #Neuroscience #Science #BiologyOpen #Biology #AcademicMastodon
#axon #pruning #drosophila #neuron #development #DevBio #neuroscience #Science #biologyopen #biology #AcademicMastodon
This was posted yesterday by the CSTA Equity Fellows.
#CSTA #CS #CSEd #Equity #Accountability #KeenanAnderson #BlackLivesMatter #Axon #Taser
#csta #cs #csed #equity #accountability #keenananderson #blacklivesmatter #axon #taser
RT @DevelopmentalDy
#Neural circuits require coordinated #axon pathfinding through #ECM. Learn how #Netrin, a guidance cue for #neuronal pathfinding can trigger repulsion or attraction of an axon in #arthropods!
#arthropods #neuronal #netrin #ECM #axon #neural
I also volunteer to tase the directors and executives of #Axon.
Seriously, ban these freakin' things. #SecondAmendment doesn't apply to thumbscrews, the rack, or the #taser. Could probably get #NRA support for a ban.
Axon Board Member Volunteers for Tasing Weeks After LAPD Tased Unarmed Black Man Who Died Hours Later
#axon #secondamendment #taser #nra