Very quick and lofi video, testing the new AY-3-8912-AVR from vRetro.
This is a modern replacement for the Yamaha chip. To my ears on this initial test, it doesn't sound any different to the real deal.
Tested here in one of the Amstrad CPC 6128 machines I built from scratch a while back.
... finding an AY-3-8912 #AY38912 that is not a fake chinese piece of overpriced crap is damn hard these days ... ๐กโ
#ay38912 #retrocomputing #zxspectrum128repair
RT @charge_negative
Testing the YM2149F/AY-3-8912 to SN76489 converter some more.
A music conversion from the Amstrad CPC demo scene to the BBC Micro:
Demo: Phortem
Group: Condense
Music: @dma_sc
Year: 2013
#bbcmicro #SN76489 #amstradcpc #ay38912