I am a bit disappointed by a (recent?) change they have done to how entering Ayasofya works: the entrance is not anymore from the main portal, but from the side. This means that the mosaic depicting Constantine, Mary and Justinian is not seen by most people. On another topic, the style contrast between Ayasofya and Sultanahmet is always food for thought: a play between light and darkness, two mirrors of the same thing. #istanbul #turkey #ayasofya #sultanahmet
#istanbul #turkey #ayasofya #sultanahmet
„al-Quds“, „al-Aqsa“ und „Ayasofya“Moscheenamen sind brutal und manchmal gnadenlos https://jungefreiheit.de/kultur/gesellschaft/2023/moscheenamen-brutal/ #Gesellschaft #Ayasofya #Religion #Al-Aqsa #Al-Quds #Moschee #Islam
#islam #moschee #al #religion #ayasofya #gesellschaft