Flames Go Big at the 2023 NHL Entry Draft
The very deep 2023 NHL Draft has come and gone with very little fanfare. No trades in the first round and very few during Rounds 2-7, none of any note. This was especially true for the Calgary Flames. Expectations for change were very high for ...
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#FlamesProspects #NHLEntryDraft #2023NHLEntryDraft #AydarSuniev #EtienneMorin #SamuelHonzek
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#FlamesProspects #NHLEntryDraft #2023nhlentrydraft #aydarsuniev #EtienneMorin #samuelhonzek #nhl #hockey
Ducks’ Mock Draft 1.0: Improving the Wings
The Anaheim Ducks are looking to turn the page after the worst season in their franchise's history. Their 23-47-12 record was the worst in the NHL, and losing the first overall pick to the Chicago Blackhawks through the lottery process only adds salt to the ...
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#AnaheimDucks #2023NHLEntryDraft #AdamFantilli #AydarSuniev #CharlieStramel
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#anaheimducks #2023nhlentrydraft #AdamFantilli #aydarsuniev #charliestramel #nhl #hockey