Leaving an excellent talk at the Aye Write Festival by Ambrose Parry (IE Chris Brookmyre and his wife Marisa). We spotted a lady with 2 copies of their latest book, and joked about her apparent enthusiasm. Turns out she and the nice man with her are Chris Brookmyre’s parents! #chrisbrookmyre #AmbroseParry #ayewrite
#ayewrite #ambroseparry #chrisbrookmyre
Delighted to be going to see #BrianBilston @brianbilston and #DarrenMcGarvey at Aye Write on 19th May. Two of my favourite writers. https://www.glasgowlife.org.uk/arts-music-and-cultural-venues/aye-write-glasgows-book-festival #ayewrite #glasgow #books #poetry #reading
#reading #poetry #books #glasgow #ayewrite #darrenmcgarvey #brianbilston