@jungundwild@twitter.com: Heimsieg für die #VfBU19! In der zweiten Halbzeit treffen Max #Wagner und Alexandre #Azevedo zum 3:1-Sieg gegen den Tabellenzweiten. Klasse, Jungs! ⚪️🔴
#jungundwild https://nitter.net/jungundwild/status/1629483810252283906#m
#vfbu19 #wagner #azevedo #jungundwild
@jungundwild@twitter.com: 🕖 83‘ | Toooooooooor für die #VfBU19! Alexandre #Azevedo zieht aus zwölf Metern ab und trifft zum 3:1. Gaaaanz wichtig! ⚪️🔴
#jungundwild https://nitter.net/jungundwild/status/1629477510093127680#m
8/1: Exército deixou 'tenente' dos ataques fugir do Palácio do Planalto - Come Ananás
#PolíticaBr #Ana #Priscila #Azevedo
#politicabr #ana #priscila #azevedo
Álvares de #Azevedo died at only 20 years old, after a terrible riding accident at his grandfathers estate. As fate is a cruel divinity, one of his last poems was Se Eu Morresse Amanhã (If I Died Tomorrow), telling of the bright future he would lose if he died. The poem was read at his funeral and we may never know what a bright future it might have been for him. (4/4)
#azevedo #horror #horrorcommunity #gothic