July 26 afternoon. Interactive #GIS map for #DiamondFire near Sunflower Arizona.
Dark red symbols are *heat* detection by MODIS and VIIRS satellites. This data is not real time, locations are only approximate and sometimes ‘false positive’.
To get the most benefit from the map see 2 links upper left corner.
Never rely on any map to ignore an order to evacuate.
#AZwx #AZfire #AZwildfire #Geospatial #Maps #Mapping #Leaflet #ArcGIS #WebMap
Open #GISsurfer map:
#gis #diamondfire #azwx #azfire #azwildfire #geospatial #maps #mapping #leaflet #arcgis #webmap #gissurfer
Arizona: Evacuation notices went out yesterday out near #Scottsdale for the #Diamond Fire.
Scottsdale Police have evacuated the areas west of 136th Street, south of Quail Track, and east of 144th Street.
#azfire #azwx #wildfire
10Tanker VLAT914 is also doing back to back missions on the #DiamondFire near #Phoenix. Aircraft Assisting.
1 AA, Lead Bravo 59.
Air Tankers 16, 164, 167, 914.
1 copter.
#scottsdale #diamond #azfire #azwx #wildfire #diamondfire #phoenix
Via AZ State Forestry: CLOSURE
SR 92 is CLOSED in both directions south of Sierra Vista due to the #WildhorseFire.
The closure is between mileposts 327-343.
Expect delays and seek an alternate route. #Arizonawildfire #Arizona
And another one - #PostFire, approx 7 miles SW Benson. Air Attack reporting fire at 10 acres with structures threatened. We have requested heavy air tankers, but high winds causing issues with air support currently.
#AZFire #AZForestry
#wildhorsefire #arizonawildfire #arizona #postfire #azfire #azforestry
RT @azstateforestry
The @CoronadoNF needs your help to identify this man in regards to a wildfire on Sunday, 4/30/23. If you have any info you’re asked to call: 520-388-8343. #AZFire https://twitter.com/coronadonf/status/1653507198633521159
RT @azstateforestry
Red Flag Warning🚩in effect today for south/central #Arizona. High winds & low RH = high fire danger! Do not burn or use tools that spark. RFW thru 8pm. #AZFire #AZForestry
Drought can be dangerous. Improve your odds and prepare your home now to survive a wildfire
before one begins. Learn more at ein.az.gov/ready-set-go. #AZFire #ReadySetGoAZ
#azfire #readysetgoaz #southwestwildfireawarenessweek
Is your community prepared for a wildfire? Proactive communities play a key role in minimizing the
impact of wildfires. Become fire-adapted by taking steps now to prepare. Learn more at
piped.video/gDbwKUQ-Y80, azfac.org/ #AZFire #AZwx #SouthwestWildfireAwarenessWeek
#azfire #azwx #southwestwildfireawarenessweek
Begin now to organize an event or plan to participate in your community’s Wildfire Preparedness
Day, May 6, 2023! Learn more at nfpa.org/-/media/Files/Publi… | NFPA and azfac.org. #AZFire
#WildfireSafety #SouthwestWildfireAwarenessWeek
#azfire #wildfiresafety #southwestwildfireawarenessweek
Make it your goal to extinguish hot coals. If your campfire is to hot to touch, it's too hot to leave!
Drown, stir and repeat until cold! WildlandFire.AZ.gov smokeybear.com.
#PreventWildfires #AZFire #SouthwestWildfireAwarenessWeek #SmokeyBear
#preventwildfires #azfire #southwestwildfireawarenessweek #smokeybear
Don’t start the spark that destroys your home & community! Always check the weather & local
restrictions before burning waste & debris. Be prepared with water & a shovel nearby. Learn more at
azdeq.gov/OpenBurn #PreventWildfires #AZFire #SouthwestWildfireAwarenessWeek
#preventwildfires #azfire #southwestwildfireawarenessweek
FROM AZ STATE FORESTRY - #AZForestry starting ignitions on 3-day, 1,800-acre #FlyingMRanchRXBurn. Project loc. E. Mormon Lake, approx. 30 mi. SE Flag @CoconinoCounty. Minimal smoke impact. Goals: wildfire risk reduction by reducing hazardous fuels around infrastructure & nearby private property. #AZFire
#azforestry #flyingmranchrxburn #azfire