Es kennen hier doch hoffentlich alle die wunderbare Serie #masterofnone von #azizansari ?
#AzizAnsari film shut down over writers’ strike after previous film shut down over Bill Murray’s harassment:
‘“#GoodFortune”… write and star alongside… Keanu Reeves and Seth Rogen’
Everybody agrees that Captain Duncook and Ed are the classiest couple on Scrubs. #Scrubs #CaptainDuncook #WindellMiddlebrooks #Ed #AzizAnsari
#scrubs #captainduncook #windellmiddlebrooks #ed #azizansari
Show idea: A buddy-cop sitcom with Aziz Ansari and Leslie Jones called, “HOLY FUCK, STOP YELLING AT ME, MY EARS ARE BLEEDING!!”.
Aziz Ansari marries Serena Skov Campbell in Italy #azizansari #celebrityweddings #parksandrecreation #17giugno
#17giugno #parksandrecreation #celebrityweddings #azizansari