So, I finished #HarryPotter and the Prisoner of #Azkaban. First full re-read since 2002, and first time in English.
In my last toot I said it was slow. It just then picked up its pace. Still, I think the movie is better.
It definitely works better in context with the full series out. I remember being rather disappointed when I first read it.
I'm enjoying reading these in English because of the nuances I missed as a child.
#harrypotter #azkaban #bookstodon
Pensavamo che la saga di #AndrewTate fosse finita, ma arriva il #crossover sorpresa con #HogwartsLegacy e il #wizardingworld. Scopriamo il garrulo #alphaman intento a battersi coi #Dissennatori col suo #patronus a forma di #Bugatti
#dementor #azkaban
#andrewtate #crossover #HogwartsLegacy #wizardingworld #alphaman #dissennatori #patronus #bugatti #dementor #azkaban
Non andavamo al cinema da quando, al #Sacher, vedemmo la versione restaurata di #CaroDiario con #NanniMoretti in sala (2020). E ieri abbiamo visto #UnamammacontroGWBush, il cui titolo farebbe pensare a una commediola di #Natale ma è tratto da una storia vera e parte da una considerazione agghiacciante: a distanza di ventun anni, 39 persone sono ancora rinchiuse nel carcere di #Guantanamo. #Azkaban (per gli amanti di Harry Potter) esiste!
#sacher #Carodiario #nannimoretti #unamammacontrogwbush #natale #guantanamo #azkaban
Tim #Burden's new #series #Wednesday is a bit like Harry #Potter. Especially: The prisoner of #Azkaban
+ The new (secretly famous) one in a boarding school. #Nevermore is #Hogwarts.
+ The "houses" in the school.
+ #Normies are #Muggles
+ Deadly sporting tournament (#Quiddisch/Poe Cup)
+ #Creatures Feature - Both #magical world are filled with #monstrous creatures
#burden #series #wednesday #potter #azkaban #nevermore #hogwarts #normies #muggles #quiddisch #creatures #magical #monstrous