Azov is NOT the same entity as the Azov movement and Andriy Biletsky's political party, at all. Yes there have been some #LGBT #lgbtqia complaints about sympathizers but the #AzonBattallion has cleaned up its act as it became offically part of the #UkraineArmedForces #UAF.
Much to the annoyance of #RussoNazi #RussianImperialists #Duginists and American Nazis, Sara is ... 2/x
#lgbt #lgbtqia #azonbattallion #ukrainearmedforces #uaf #russonazi #russianimperialists #duginists
It's #TransAwarenessWeek and today is designated as also special #TDOR so Imma gone give a shout out to EMT Sarah Ashton-Cirrillo who is rendering #medicalassistance on the line of contact in #Ukraine. Building a bridge with the much-maligned and poorly understood #AzonBattallion, apparently,
which is ...[THREAD]
#transawarenessweek #tdor #medicalassistance #Ukraine #azonbattallion