🖌️ #AzPainter Resources: Brushes, Textures, Themes & UI Layouts (#GIMP- and #Krita-like) by ''pistachio' — https://gitlab.com/pistachio-gitlab/AzPainter-Resources
💡 AzPainter is a #painting app & raster image editor, supporting #PSD format, layers (including text layers) with layer effects.
App, written in C with a GUI based on an own widget set ("mlk") for #Xlib/#libX11/#X11, is available for Unix-like OS (#Linux, #FreeBSD, etc.) and ported to #Haiku/#HaikuOS (via #Xlibe), #Mac/#macOS (via #XQuartz) & #Android (via #Termux).
#azpainter #gimp #krita #painting #psd #xlib #linux #freebsd #haiku #Xlibe #mac #xquartz #android #termux
💡 How to enable "black" theme in #AzPainter🖌️ 3.x (https://gitlab.com/azelpg/azpainter) painting app:
1. Get `black.conf` file: https://gitlab.com/azelpg/mlkstyle/-/blob/master/files/black.conf
2. Rename to `az-mlk-style.conf`;
3. Place in `~/.config/`.
To edit AzPainter theme colors & font (aka "Menu font") install "mlk style editor" app: https://gitlab.com/azelpg/mlkstyle/
To edit config manually read "mlk" docs: https://gitlab.com/azelpg/azpainter/-/blob/master/about_mlk_en.txt
To set "Panel font" in AzPainter go to "Settings > Environmental settings... > Interface" (`~/.config/azpainter/main3.conf`)
~/.config$ rm -r azpainter
しかし、細かく設定済みの人は削除すると設定が初期化されてしまいます。 #オリキャラ #らくがき #オリジナル #AzPainter #pixivSketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/7586424277919328790 https://pawoo.net/media/weBUIFZmIfIQl4qi7IE
#pixivsketch #azpainter #オリジナル #らくがき #オリキャラ
Windows11 22HではVcXsrvのインストールなしで、Linux版、AzPainterのソースコードからのビルド、MS版ubuntuへのインストール、GUIアプリとしてのAz-Painterの起動が可能。
#Windows11 #AzPainter #wsl
#Windows11 の #Linux 機能を使って、#AzPainter のLinux版をインストールしてお絵かき。
#WSL #らくがき #オリキャラ #original #pixivSketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/8813249457590417930 https://pawoo.net/media/lgoEFfiNN4p0YbGU2Hg https://pawoo.net/media/aviWgv5OD7ZWniIzTjk
#pixivsketch #original #オリキャラ #らくがき #wsl #azpainter #linux #windows11
RT @app4soft@twitter.com
🖌 #AzPainter — a #LibreGraphics painting software for illustration drawing: https://git.io/azpainter
App available for Linux, macOS, *BSD, Android & other Unix-like platforms: https://github.com/Symbian9/azpainter/wiki/Packaging-status
But what about @haikuOS@twitter.com/#Haiku?
Thanks to @threedeyes@twitter.com, here is initial support!
Recently finished commissions.
Recently finished commissions.
Recently finished commissions.
If you're curious about the OS I'm using (the kids at the library always are) it's #Manjaro XFCE! Thanks to AUR, the most recent version of Wine, headers, and a lot of libs I can use all kinds of graphics art programs without any issues. I use #Krita, #GIMP, #Aseprite, #Blender 2.8 , Meshmixer, FireAlpaca, GraphicsGale, #AzPainter, and #Pencil2D ! (I know that's overboard but I really like what each different program has to offer.) It was a hassle before on Mint and Ubuntu so I'm staying with.
#pencil2d #azpainter #blender #aseprite #gimp #krita #manjaro
I draw non-shark art sometimes...!
#azpainter #bodhi #artwithopensource #wip #MastoArt
Everything is working great! Super fast and super easy to use! I'm super happy OwO,,
Unfortunately I don't have the second HDD I need to store my huge art and audio files but, fingers crossed for any commissions and donations towards getting my life together.
#manjaro #linux #gimp #azpainter #artwithopensource
Water always wins, though.
#MastoArt #AzPainter #GIMP #art #illustration #shark #anthro
#MastoArt #azpainter #gimp #art #illustration #shark #anthro