RT @0gis0
return(GiS); | Invitar a usuarios externos a un tenant de Azure AD a travΓ©s de Microsoft Graph y Azure CLI | https://www.returngis.net/2023/04/invitar-a-usuarios-externos-a-un-tenant-de-azure-ad-a-traves-de-microsoft-graph-y-azure-cli/ #azuread #msgraph #azurecli
return(GiS); | Invitar a usuarios externos a un tenant de Azure AD a travΓ©s de Microsoft Graph y Azure CLI | https://www.returngis.net/2023/04/invitar-a-usuarios-externos-a-un-tenant-de-azure-ad-a-traves-de-microsoft-graph-y-azure-cli/ #azuread #msgraph #azurecli
My 27th blog post explains how to find a suitable #Windows 11 Virtual Machine #SKU for #Terraform using #Azure CLI
#azurecommunity #iac #cloud #microsoft #hashicorp #azurecli
#windows #sku #terraform #azure #azurecommunity #iac #Cloud #microsoft #hashicorp #azurecli
Probably affects almost no one, but found a weird issue with Azure CLI. If you switch accounts with az login, you can still switch into subscriptions from the previous account. No security exposure because actually access to resources is checked on the new account. However, it makes for some weird results attempting to replicate user experiences for example. #Azure #AzureCLI #cloud
Azure CLI can be installed and configured to best suit a user's needs, such as setting a default subscription ID and a default location. Users also have the option of customizing Azure CLI with styling options and customizing the output format. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/fasttrack-for-azure/take-your-azure-cli-skills-to-the-next-level/ba-p/3723638 #AzureCLI #CloudComputing #Customization
#azurecli #CloudComputing #Customization
Note to myself: When testing #Python code for #Azure locally, I shall mainly be using the #AzureCliCredential Class for authentication since this will simply use the credentials from #AzureCLI - the context of which can be quickly verified through `az account show`. The #DefaultAzureCredential Class has all options for production but it checks multiple identity options in turn if they are not excluded - which could lead to, hm - well, confusion I guess. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/azure-identity/azure.identity.defaultazurecredential?view=azure-python
#python #azure #azureclicredential #azurecli #defaultazurecredential
I wrote a post a few months ago on adding #devcontainer features which did not age very well π Revisited the topic here to show how you can easily add #azure cli extensions and #azurebicep to your #devcontainers using the new #azurecli feature https://dev.to/azure/re-visiting-dev-container-features-205i
#devcontainer #azure #AzureBicep #devcontainers #azurecli
RT @robertbemejo@twitter.com
[BlogPost] - Como obtener las variables de Azure Devops de una release
#Azure #AzureDevOps #azurecli #Powershell
π¦π: https://twitter.com/robertbemejo/status/1244274498129592320
#azure #azuredevops #azurecli #powershell