Seit heute morgen sind sämtliche #Dienste der #Hochschule Düsseldorf (#HSD) nicht erreichbar. Auch deren eigene #Status-Seite für die Funktionstüchtigkeit der Dienste auf lässt sich nicht aufrufen. Könnte das Nachwirkungen des #Storm0558 Hacks auf die #AzureCloud sein?
Jedenfalls wirkt es wie ein #GAU und nicht geplant. Bitte teilt diesen Toot, um andere #Fedizens zu informieren und verweist auch in anderen Plattformen auf diesen Hinweis oder gibt es woanders schon offizielle Meldungen zur Sachlage?
#denialofservice #hack #hsduesseldorf #fedizens #gau #azurecloud #storm0558 #status #HSD #hochschule #dienste
Seit heute morgen sind sämtliche #Dienste der #Hochschule Düsseldorf (#HSD) nicht erreichbar. Auch deren eigene #Status-Seite für die Funktionstüchtigkeit der Dienste auf lässt sich nicht aufrufen. Könnte das Nachwirkungen des #Storm0558 Hacks auf die #AzureCloud sein?
Jedenfalls wirkt es wie ein #GAU und nicht geplant. Bitte teilt diesen Toot, um andere #Fedizens zu informieren und verweist auch in anderen Plattformen auf diesen Hinweis oder gibt es woanders schon offizielle Meldungen zur Sachlage?
#denialofservice #hack #hsdusseldorf #fedizens #gau #azurecloud #storm0558 #status #HSD #hochschule #dienste
@fsfe Why does the EU parliament depend on #MicrosoftOffice and is still using the potentially compromised #AzureCloud infrastructure due to the #Storm0558 hack?!
– Because it's easier to trust #Microsoft without asking any critical questions. Additionally, from a user's perspective it's inconvenient to learn the fundamental concepts of using word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software rather than getting product training.
This already starts in elementary school and #Google, #Apple, #Facebook, and #Amazon are no better. #BigTech will always find a way to lock-in and exploit its users while putting their digital identity and assets on the game.
#PublicMoneyPublicCode should be a law.
#publicmoneypubliccode #bigtech #amazon #facebook #apple #google #microsoft #storm0558 #azurecloud #microsoftoffice
Microsoft nailed the design of the new Copilot. Question is if the #AzureCloud & #GPT4 can cope with all the demand because every company ( who uses Office a lot) is going to want this.
Even small distributed teams who work remotely and need that edge should have this - assuming Microsoft makes it affordable.
'The Windows Core OS platform team has a new blog that covers the virtualization platform, silicon support, kernel, storage file system and hyperconverged storage infrastructure. The blog will provide insight into upcoming features in the Windows Core OS Platform space, including Cloud Host, the special purpose host operating system for the Azure Cloud. #WindowsCoreOS #AzureCloud #HyperconvergedStorage
#windowscoreos #azurecloud #hyperconvergedstorage
'#WindowsCoreOS #AzureCloud #HyperconvergedStorage {{hashtags.value}}
#windowscoreos #azurecloud #hyperconvergedstorage
I‘ve been writing a short post about how to use the Azure SDK for Python for querying Azure Resource Graph for available resource names. Feel free to check it out in case you‘re interested: #azure #python #resourcegraph #azurecloud
#azurecloud #resourcegraph #python #azure
This is a really thorough how-to for using #Terraform to build and deploy solutions using @AzureFunctions, @AzureCosmosDB and @AzureApiMgmt
Very well done.
RT @bhargavbachina
Learn how to create backend architecture modules with Azure APIM, function app, CosmosDB with Terraform
#terraform #programming #softwaredevelopment #aws #azure #gcp #awscloud #azurecloud
#terraform #programming #softwaredevelopment #aws #azure #gcp #awscloud #azurecloud
With almost all the turkey dealt with, it's time to talk cloud automation & compliance🍗
#cloudsecurity #security #cybersec #awscloud #azurecloud #aws #azure #compliance #compliancemanagement #cloudautomation
#cloudsecurity #security #cybersec #awscloud #azurecloud #aws #azure #compliance #compliancemanagement #cloudautomation
Need to get this one out from the Wiz Academy before the ball drops!
#cloudsecurity #security #cybersec #awscloud #azurecloud #aws #azure
#cloudsecurity #security #cybersec #awscloud #azurecloud #aws #azure
Need to get this one out from the Wiz Academy before the ball drops!
#cloudsecurity #security #cybersec #awscloud #azurecloud #aws #azure
#cloudsecurity #security #cybersec #awscloud #azurecloud #aws #azure
This week's latest Azure update is up!
#azure #cloud #microsoft #cloudcomputing #microsoftazure #azurecloud #youtubevideo #learning #azureadministrator #azurearchitect #microsoftcloud #azureupdate #whatsnew
#azure #cloud #microsoft #cloudcomputing #microsoftazure #azurecloud #youtubevideo #learning #azureadministrator #azurearchitect #microsoftcloud #azureupdate #whatsnew
My latest 'personal' project is to combine @google Apps Script with @microsoft Azure's Document AI to read my scanned receipts, save the obtained data, and then update this Google Sheet as a receipt log.
Apparently I had a lot of pizza lately.
#azurecloud #documentai #googleappsscript #googlesheets #documentscanning #receiptprocessing #expenseprocessing
#azurecloud #DocumentAI #googleappsscript #googlesheets #documentscanning #receiptprocessing #expenseprocessing