New blog post: OpenAI on Azure is currently in preview. Let's talk about the various ways you can deploy OpenAI on Azure and what you'll pay to do so. We'll also talk about some of the unique advantages Azure has in working with OpenAI models.
#azure #openai #azurecognitiveservices #AI
New Video Time! 🎬 Come watch me talking to some #Azure Voice Profiles & get ready to take your #CanvasApp to the next level with realistic voices in multiple languages using #AzureCognitiveServices!
#azure #canvasapp #azurecognitiveservices #powerapps #powerplatform #microsoft #accessibility
My final entry for #FestiveTechCalendar tomorrow is now live:
I cover #Chatbots and #ConversationalAI on #Azure, #AzureCognitiveServices, #AzureBotServices, a brief history of conversational AI, and discuss where we go from here given #ChatGPT and the power of transformer-based models.
#festivetechcalendar #chatbots #conversationalai #azure #azurecognitiveservices #azurebotservices #chatgpt