19 1st St S #b1005 is located in Ward 3 in the Downtown West neighborhood. Its current use is condominium. It was built in 1965. It has 1 bedroom in 1 unit. It has 🚽. Its land is currently valued at $44000, and the property is valued at $108000. There are 192 other properties at this address.
🔗: https://apps.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/piapp/Home/propertysummary/2302924320395
🗺️: https://www.google.com/maps/place/19+1ST+ST+S+MINNEAPOLIS+MN+55401-1810
Am 10. Mai gibt es um 08.00 eine Fahrradzubringer zu den Protesten gegen VW #b1005
Block the general assembyl of @Volkswagen owners in Berlin on the 10th of May 2023 #b1005
Block the general assembyl of @Volkswagen owners in Berlin on the 10th of May 2023 #b1005
🟣 1357 #b1005 #RheinmetallEntwaffnen
Mit diesem letzten Aufruf nach Kassel zu fahren ist die Kundgebung beendet. Vielen Dank an die Orga. Klasse Redebeitäge und informativ. Danke auch an die Menschen vor Ort.
Bis zum nächsten Mal.