Any fellow #B12 deficiency sufferers who have regular injections out here?
I was 7 weeks late for my jab, I've had it now but I'm constantly exhausted. Been awake 2 hours is pushing it before I have to nap
Everything I've read said it's almost instantaneous for it to start working and other things say weeks.
Any helpful advice on getting going again would be great, other than of set more than one reminder for your next injection.
Falls wieder mal der liebe Schwager auf der Grillparty oder Tante Gisela in der WhatsApp Gruppe nervt, könnte dieser Artikel vielleicht nützlich sein.
5 häufige Argumente #Fleisch zu essen – NICHT -
Als #Veganer:in wird man häufig mit Argumenten konfrontiert, warum eine fleischlose #Ernährung ungesund, unnatürlich oder gar umweltschädlich sei. Was ist dran an diesen Aussagen? Fünf der häufigsten Argumente für Fleisch gesammelt und Gegenargumente formuliert.
#vegan #B12 #Chemie #Gesundheit #tofu #soja #regenwald
#regenwald #soja #tofu #gesundheit #chemie #b12 #vegan #ernahrung #veganer #fleisch
> very recent research overviewed by Mic The Vegan
Thanks, I'll definitely give this a watch. Here's the page that gave me pause:
"... prepared by Stephen Walsh, a vegan Society trustee, and other members of the International Vegetarian Union Science Group (IVU-SCI), in October 2001."
I guess it's long out-of-date, didn't notice the date when stumbling upon it a couple of years ago.
Kotaku: 12 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Stray #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #adventuregames #windowsgames #meowing #stray #b12
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #adventuregames #windowsgames #meowing #stray #b12
Some things that went right this week (via @PositiveNewsUK) 💪
🎗️End of #AIDS in sight
🇨🇴#Amazon deforestation in #Columbia down
🦅#Species return in UK
🌱Green source of #B12 discovered for #vegans
🛠️ #Refugee #Repair shop in UK
🫑#FoodSecurity boost
#Aids #amazon #columbia #species #b12 #vegans #refugee #repair #foodsecurity
#b12 #flashbackfriday #nowlistening
A trip to the village of Halki on the Greek island of Naxos provided a beautiful reminder that #WaveMechanics sculpts matter at both the picometer and kilometer scales!
#B12 #Chemistry #Chemiverse #Geology
#wavemechanics #b12 #chemistry #chemiverse #geology
🎉 Au fait, j'ai réussi ! J'ai platiné Sackboy ! Ce qui fait lvl 309 avec 2500+ trophées dont 31 platines.
Après quelques tergiversations, je suis passé à Stray, le jeu indépendant du studio fr 🇫🇷 #b12, #GOTY 2022
Plus qu'à le refaire en moins de 2h et ça me fera un nouveau 🏆 platine.
J'ai aussi entamé Final Fantasy VII Remake. Une belle claque de nostalgie dans la tronche. Javais peur. Après 2h de jeu (déjà !), je suis rassuré. Ça fait du bien par les temps qui courent. #ffvii
P.S. : Au monsieur un peu sur les nerfs qui m’a affirmé que les bactéries étaient des animaux et que par conséquent, les véganes qui se complémentent en #B12 mangent en fait des animaux et ne sont donc pas vraiment véganes, le bonjour à vous si vous vous reconnaissez ! 😁🦠
So where does #vitamin #B12 come from? “B12 is produced by #bacteria found in the #soil. Traditionally, we would have got it from eating #unwashed #food. But food is now so sanitised we need to get it from fortified foods or supplements.”
#vitamin #b12 #bacteria #soil #unwashed #food
Wedi ail-ddarganfod hwn ar ôl blynyddoedd - i gyd o’n i’n cofio amdano oedd bod ganddo glawr Chris Foss-aidd, a’r ffaith bod stwff vapourwave fel 2814 yn atgoffa fi o rywbeth oedd ‘da fi ar CDr amser maith yn ôl. Gweld e ar hap heddi, edrych am rywbeth arall. #B12 #TimeTourist
New YT video on how to safely break open a B12 glass ampoule:
#DisabledSocial via @YouTube
#b12deficiency #b12 #DisabledSocial
@PanickedFoodie I would love to see #B12 videos on the following that I can share:
- why B12 serum tests can't rule out deficiency, how supplements can cause a false normal result, and why it's good to follow-up with MMA & homocysteine
- how/why/when some patients need more frequent injections
- symptoms, co-morbid conditions, and misdiagnoses
- cofactors to needed with B12
- drugs and supplements that can interfere with B12 absorption
Zorg: betaalbaarheid, zingeving, preventie, organisatie en belangen, en meer precies de vroege herkenning van een #B12-tekort
B12? 'Er zit geen bruikbaar @B12 in planten of groenten. De enige #B12 in groenten zit op ongewassen groenten waar nog menselijke of dierlijke uitwerpselen op zitten. Geniet van je B12.' Aldus @ontariolass
Er is weer discussie over #B12 injectietherapie.
Dr. Stephan Peters erkent dat onder meer bepaalde medicijnen bij langdurig gebruik de opname van B12 'ernstig kunnen belemmeren'. Hij haalt echter zonder enig commentaar prof. Stalper van de Vereniging tegen Kwakzalverij aan, wat er op neer komt dat volgens hen 100% van de behandeling in de B12 klinieken volledig verspild geld is... Je reinste heksenjacht.
What a win for the #Longhorns today in OT. The Big 12 is one tough basketball league, my goodness.
#Texas has a real shot at a #FinalFour this year.
#Rice is 6th man of the year for me. Best ball fake I've ever seen at the College level.
#longhorns #texas #finalfour #rice #college #basketball #b12
Easy one for the #Longhorns today. Blowout.
#longhorns #college #basketball #b12
Another song featuring Chester Bennington.
#B12 by #GreyDaze.