New YT video on how to safely break open a B12 glass ampoule:
#DisabledSocial via @YouTube
#b12deficiency #b12 #DisabledSocial
Got my B-12 shot again today! Let's hope it works some more magic 🪄✨⭐ #b12deficiency
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Sandwich generation #spoonie problems: Overcoming your own shitty doctors to get proper treatment only to have to fight the battle all over and over again for a parent and a child.
#spoonie #NEISvoid #b12deficiency #perniciousanemia
Voor de (chronisch) zieke community hier: een nummer dat mij, iedere keer dat ik het hoor, wéér raakt. Sowieso deze hele EP, maar dit nummer omschrijft denk ik voor mij goed hoe het voelt om (chronisch) ziek te zijn.
“It gets better 'til it just gets worse
A full-time job isn't this much work
I know that I'll survive, but
Healing fucking hurts sometimes”
#HealingHurts #Spoonie #BluEyes #MyalgischeEncefalomyelitis #ME #cvsME #PEM #B12Tekort #B12Deficiency
#b12deficiency #b12tekort #pem #cvsme #me #myalgischeencefalomyelitis #blueyes #spoonie #healinghurts
@Enso108 TN sucks, and I don't think they always make the connection to #b12deficiency. They were going to have me do MVD until I got a second opinion. (I turned down the Gabapentin, which frustrated my old neurologist.)
Injecting EOD until I get out of a flare and weekly thereafter seems to do the trick for me. That and making sure my C1 and C2 aren't adding further wear and tear on my nerves.
@nikkimk hey Nikki suffer with #tn (TN2) too and this week I’ve been diagnosed with this anaemia that causes #b12deficiency
B12 can't work in your body with adequate levels of these things.
And they should be monitored throughout treatment, ESPECIALLY in the beginning when the strain on resources is largest as the body starts to repair.
Once we get the knowledge base going, I plan on doing several posts on B12 def bc it is so important. Many people have symptoms and dont even realize it.
#b12deficiency #DisabledSocial
I forgot to add, that you may find me also speaking up/ranting about #b12Deficiency #perniciousAnemia ( #perniciousAnaemia ) #POTS #hEDS #MCAS #trigeminalNeuralgia along with the failings of health care. Also #actuallyOCD
#b12deficiency #perniciousanemia #perniciousanaemia #pots #heds #mcas #trigeminalneuralgia #actuallyocd