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#b1505 15.5.2023 18⁰⁰
#b2005 20.5.2023 14⁰⁰
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#Berlin #nakba75 #b1505 #b2005 #berlinnakba75
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
In solidarity with Palestinians who are mourning today, and commemorating the ongoing Nakba, we say:
May Shireen Abu Akleh's memory be a blessing and free Palestine! #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917279485304832
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
In solidarity with Palestinians who are mourning today, and commemorating the ongoing Nakba, we say:
May Shireen Abu Akleh's memory be a blessing and free Palestine! #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917279485304832
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
The German authority's approval of #querdenker antisemitic corona conspiracy marches with neo-nazis in contrast with ban of Palestine demos pretexted on potential antisemitism, more about suppressing migrantized communities than concern for Jewish life. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917277379563520
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
The German authority's approval of #querdenker antisemitic corona conspiracy marches with neo-nazis in contrast with ban of Palestine demos pretexted on potential antisemitism, more about suppressing migrantized communities than concern for Jewish life. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917277379563520
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
Germany's "Remembrance culture" fixates on Jews as perpetual victims while monopolizing memory culture for Germans' benefit. We ask: Who decides? Who is allowed to mourn? Who is allowed to remember? #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917275655753728
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
Germany's "Remembrance culture" fixates on Jews as perpetual victims while monopolizing memory culture for Germans' benefit. We ask: Who decides? Who is allowed to mourn? Who is allowed to remember? #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917275655753728
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
We resist and defy the ban on demonstrations of Palestine solidarity groups, by which the Berlin police erase the voices of Palestinian and Jewish people who do not fit their convenient narrative. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917274007281667
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
We resist and defy the ban on demonstrations of Palestine solidarity groups, by which the Berlin police erase the voices of Palestinian and Jewish people who do not fit their convenient narrative. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917274007281667
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
Compounding the injustice of the ban on mourning is the literal policing of how people mourn, and the policing of spaces of mourning by both the Israeli and Berlin governments. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917272115658753
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
Compounding the injustice of the ban on mourning is the literal policing of how people mourn, and the policing of spaces of mourning by both the Israeli and Berlin governments. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917272115658753
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
We, the Jewish Bund, are compelled to make this statement, as a collective gathering for mourning this grave loss in solidarity with the Palestinian community on this Nakba Day was banned by @polizeiBerlin@twitter.com. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917270328979456
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
the additional desecration of her coffin at her funeral is simply another brutal example of the ongoing Israeli destruction of Palestinian public life and their rights to self-determination and self-expression. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917266562392064
RT @JewishBund@twitter.com
15 May marks 74 years of the ongoing #Nakba, the forced expulsion and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. #b1505
The recent assassination of #ShireenAbuAkleh on 11 May by the Israeli occupation forces and —
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JewishBund/status/1525917264477933570
#nakba #b1505 #ShireenAbuAkleh
Last weekend #b1505 & #b1605 thousands of people joined the demo & rally against #Køpi Wagenplatz's threat of eviction. On #b2505 at 10:00 Køpi is holding a #PressConference about the upcoming eviction court case set to start on #b1006!
#köpibleibt #wirbleibenalle #Berlin
#b1505 #b1605 #Køpi #b2505 #pressconference #b1006 #köpibleibt #wirbleibenalle #Berlin
Thank you for your support. Yesterday night around 2500 people took part in the demo to defend @KopiBleibt@twitter.com,@rigaer94@twitter.com, @Potse_Berlin@twitter.com.
and today we continue with a rally in front of Køpi! See you there from 13:00
#b1605 #b1505 #wirbleibenalle
RT @pm_cheung@twitter.com
Rund 500 Menschen sind heute in #Berlin-#Spandau auf die Straße gegangen, um gegen Rassismus, Neonazis und rechten Terror zu demonstrieren. Anlass für den Protesten waren die jüngsten Angriff auf der alternative Wohnprojekt #jagow15 .
#berlin #spandau #Jagow15 #b1505
RT @schw00ligan
eine jüdin wurde gerade aus dem nichts angegriffen und als "zionisten hure" beleidigt, danach sind wir von einer großen gruppe angeriffen worden, eine schwarze frau die sich schütztend in den weg gestellt hat wurde rassitisch beleidigt und ich übelst homophob angegangen #b1505
RT @glr_berlin@twitter.com
Zu Beginn wurden die „bewaffneten Milizen“ begrüßt. Jetzt wird immer wieder auf arabisch dazu aufgerufen, „Tel Aviv zu bombardieren“ und „bewaffneter Widerstand“ als legitim beschrieben. Das ist keine friedliche Demo, das sind ultraradikale Parolen. #b1505
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/glr_berlin/status/1393559380713410567
Don't wait until it's too late
#b1505 #köpibleibt #rigaer94 #potsebleibt
#b1505 #köpibleibt #rigaer94 #potsebleibt