150 2nd St Ne #b203 is located in Ward 3 in the Nicollet Is/east Bank neighborhood. Its current use is condominium. It was built in 2004. It has 2 bedrooms in 1 unit. It has 1 fireplace. It has π½π½. Its land is currently valued at $3000, and the property is valued at $510000. There are 61 other properties at this address.
π: https://apps.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/piapp/Home/propertysummary/2302924210539
πΊοΈ: https://www.google.com/maps/place/150+2ND+ST+NE+MINNEAPOLIS+MN+55413
#Leadership #Values https://www.themself.org/2015/03/my-leadership-values/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #academic #b203 #civilservice #cubscouts #gsuotc #guidance #howto #hr #openuniversity #scouting
#scouting #openuniversity #hr #howto #guidance #gsuotc #cubscouts #civilservice #b203 #academic #values #leadership