Hi! Here a new submission for the #B2VB challenge. "Lunar New Year in China: Domestic Travel on the Rise". Week 02, Build a Multiple Line Chart📈.
Ready for feedback 😊!
Tableau Link in my description.
#dataviz #datavisualization #data #informationdesign #design #infovis #China #2023 #dataanalytics #datascience #chart #infographic #infographicdesign #B2VB #travels #lunarnewyear #datafam #work #domestictravel
#domestictravel #work #datafam #lunarnewyear #travels #infographicdesign #infographic #chart #datascience #dataanalytics #china #infovis #design #informationdesign #data #datavisualization #dataviz #b2vb
Tableau Public viz of Mortgage Rates from the past 10 years. Area Chart based on the Week 1 #B2VB Challenge.
Basic challenge was just an area chart, but I wanted to show comparisons between different years.
Then, it still didn't seem useful enough, so I added a line chart to show monthly payments and joined in another data source to give the user an option to pick median US home value in constant 2022 dollars, real dollars, or a custom value.
Feedback welcome!