What spoon-bending #charlatan #UriGeller is describing is a well-known #phenomenon known as the #BaaderMeinhof Phenomenon, or "#frequency bias". But in his mind, it's spectacular proof of #aliens. Uri routinely panders to the #uncritical, #credulous mind, and this is no different. You can safely discard anything this guy has to say.
#charlatan #urigeller #phenomenon #baadermeinhof #frequency #aliens #uncritical #credulous
"Arrojar una piedra es una acción punible. Arrojar mil piedras es una acción política. Incendiar un coche es una acción punible, incendiar cien coches es una acción política. Protestar es denunciar que eso o aquello no es justo. Resistir es garantizar que aquello con lo que no estoy conforme no se vuelva a producir.“
-Ulrike Meinhof
#UlrikeMeinhof #RoteArmeFraktion #RAF #Revolucion #Protesta #Violencia #BaaderMeinhof #Politica #FilosofiaPolitica
#ulrikemeinhof #rotearmefraktion #raf #revolucion #protesta #violencia #baadermeinhof #politica #filosofiapolitica
"Die Frequenzillusion kann auch als eine Art mentale Abkürzung gesehen werden, die man Heuristik nennt. 1974 schrieb der Psychologe Kahnemann mit seinem Kollegen Amos Tversky in der Fachzeitschrift Science, Heuristiken hülfen uns, Entscheidungen zu treffen und Aufgaben schneller zu erfüllen."
Diesen Konjunktiv sieht man wahrlich selten und der Artikel ist auch interessant :-)
#konjunktiv #frequenzillusion #Heuristik #baadermeinhof
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fckptn #нетвойны #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright #ulrikemeinhof #baadermeinhof #raf #grüneraf #klimaterroristen #skull #death #violence #mementomori #fragilitas #vanitas
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckptn #нетвойны #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright #ulrikemeinhof #baadermeinhof #RAF #gruneraf #Klimaterroristen #skull #death #violence #mementomori #fragilitas #vanitas
I’ve heard the phrase “penny wise, pound foolish” three times in the last couple weeks, after having heard it maybe once before in my life #BaaderMeinhof
#nowlistening #baadermeinhof
I knew I'd the lp, just found out I've the cd too !
Had customer today whose last name was the Wordle a couple of days ago.
#frequencyillusion #baadermeinhof