"We may be different, we come from different places and we may organize in different ways but we all share the same passion for freedom and the struggle for life and dignity. For us it is completely clear: everywhere in the world – from the Balkans to Russia and the Ukraine – the enemy is capital and the state; enemies of the peoples everywhere sit in banks and in parliaments!", from the the Final Statement of the #Balkan #Anarchist #Bookfair
#balkan #Anarchist #bookfair #bab2023
6/ So many unfinished discussions, expressions of love and comradeship. So many memories and hopes. So many promises of meetings of the future.
But the future will only exist if we build it ourselves through the struggle against the machine of death that is capitalism. #BAB2023 /END
1/ We were on the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2023 in Ljubljana. It was an historical gathering of those who do not give up the aspirations for a world without machine of death that is capitalism.
Beautiful setting, intriguing encounters, passionate engagement and many more of the fundamental ingredients that make anarchist movement a lived, embodied and material reality. #BAB2023 /x
Oh and also these zines also available this week on Balkan Anarchist Bookfair which I am attending to!
#bab2023 #bookfair #Anarchist #slovenia #ljubljana
Please message me if you're also planning to go to #BAB2023 in Ljubljana, #Anarchy2023 in St-Imier or #CCCamp2023 near Zehdenick.
#bab2023 #anarchy2023 #cccamp2023
I'd really like to go to #BAB2023 in Ljubljana in July and #CCCamp2023 in Zehdenick in August, but I probably won't be able to.
Yesterday the first info-event for #BalkanAnarchistBookfair 2023 took place in Livorno, Italy. There will be more in next weeks and months.
If you want to organize info-event for #BAB2023 in your local social or autonomous space (it can be organized with online presence from our site also), please get in touch. All infos are here:
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #bab2023
First call to the international anarchist movement for participation on Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2023:
en • pt • es • sh • el • pl • bg • de • ro • it • sl • fr
#anarchistbookfair #balkan #BalkanAnarchistBookfair #bab2023 #anarchist #ljubljana #slovenia
#anarchistbookfair #balkan #BalkanAnarchistBookfair #bab2023 #Anarchist #ljubljana #slovenia