#Babbage #Capitalism #Slavery #Computation: "Babbage didn’t invent the theories that shaped his engines, nor did Smith. They were prefigured on the plantation, developed first as technologies to control enslaved people. Issues alive in the present—like worker surveillance, workplace automation, and the computationally mediated restructuring of traditional employment as “gig work”—echo the way that computational thinking historically emerges as a mode of control during the “age of abolition,” in the early nineteenth century. Britain officially abolished West Indian slavery in 1833, and Babbage was very aware of the debate on abolition. He was also aware of the questions that were roiling the British elite as they sought alternatives to enslaved Black labor—particularly the question of how to control white industrial workers who persistently rebelled against industrialization, such that they could produce at the pace required to maintain the British empire. Both Babbage’s influential labor theories and his engines can be read as attempts to answer these questions—ones that, knowingly or not, rearticulated technologies of control developed on the plantation."
#babbage #capitalism #slavery #computation
I think the first quote sounds a little too modern for Babbage, don't you.
I like the quote you provided.
Have you seen this book?
#Lovelace #babbage #lovelaceandbabbage #graphicnovel
Not really a release, but if you are interested in #babbage or math programming in #SailfishOs ... I've added exprtk https://github.com/poetaster/harbour-babbage/releases/tag/0.19-2 I'm working on extending it to have dynamic inputs with hints, symbol table storage and scripts as vars.
🆕 blog! “The absurdity of technocracy”
Punch was a satirical magazine first published in Victorian London. It had a long and noble history of poking fun at... well, just about every fashionable idea of the day. Anyone who pricked the public's conscious probably found themselves lampooned within its pages. Charles Babbage - inventor of the first mechanical computer - found himself…
👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/01/the-absurdity-of-technocracy/
#Babbage #ComputerScience
February: #Lovelace and #Babbage - the #Opera at #MIT https://www.wbur.org/news/2023/01/11/classical-music-performances-2023-winter
#CambridgeMA #Boston #BostonMusic #Math #SydneyPadua
#lovelace #babbage #opera #mit #cambridgema #boston #bostonmusic #math #sydneypadua
@Sheril https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thrilling_Adventures_of_Lovelace_and_Babbage is a delightful comic book about her work with Charles Babbage. I learned a lot about their life and times, and laughed a lot. #babbage #lovelace
Did You Know...
Charles #Babbage, the inventor of the first #computer, was an #occultist who tried to summon #Satan with his own blood, among other things.
Who knew??
#babbage #computer #occultist #satan
Christmas Trilogy Part 2
A Portrait of the Mathematician as a Young Man
#Babbage #biography
The Renaissance Mathematicus Chistmas Trilogy 2022 Part2. Who was Charles Babbage, what sort of family did he come from, where did he grow up, how was he educated?
A Portrait of the Mathematician as a Young Man
#Babbage #biography
Afternoon coffee outdoors on Christmas Day. Mrs' present to us both was this excellent book: a riotous and only partly true account of Lovelace & Babbage #Christmas #Lovelace #babbage
That video is a mechanical engineer's retro porn. Sorry, not sorry.
#computers #engineer #Design #babbage #science #mechanical #chm
#computers #engineer #Design #babbage #science #mechanical #chm
Many consider the father of modern computers to be Charles Babbage.
He worked on his Analytical Engine, programmed by Jacquard punched cards until his death in 1871.
Not a mis-type: Eighteen seventy-one.
However, it was his contemporary Mrs Ada Lovelace (née Byron; yes that Lord Byron, the poet, was her father!) who developed the algorithm for computing Bernoulli numbers.
#computers #babbage #adalovelace
Buon compleanno Ada! 207 anni e non sentirli.
Il 10 dicembre del 1815, nasceva #Ada Lovelace?
Ma chi è Ada #Lovelace?
Augusta Ada King, contessa di Lovelace era una #matematica e #scrittrice inglese, nota soprattutto per il suo lavoro sul #computer meccanico generico proposto da Charles #Babbage, l'Analytical Engine.
È stata la prima a riconoscere che la #macchina aveva #applicazioni oltre il puro #calcolo e ad aver pubblicato il #primo #algoritmo destinato ad essere eseguito da una #macchina del genere.
Di conseguenza, è spesso considerata la prima programmatrice di computer della storia.
A cura di Antonio Piovesan.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #algoritmo #primo #calcolo #applicazioni #macchina #babbage #computer #scrittrice #matematica #lovelace #ada
#ComputerScience emerged in the 1830s or the 1930s, depending on one's perspective.
#Babbage/#Ada #Church/#Turing
#church #babbage #computerscience
#openssl : "Relax, there's more chance of #Babbage coming back to life to hack your system than this flaw being exploited" https://www.theregister.com/2022/11/01/openssl_downgrades_bugs/
Move over Patch Tuesday – it’s Ada Lovelace Day! - Hacking on actual computers is one thing, but hacking purposefully on imaginary computers... https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2022/10/11/move-over-patch-tuesday-its-ada-lovelace-day/ #machinelearning #computerscience #adalovelaceday #ladylovelace #alanturing #babbage #ada
#ada #babbage #alanturing #ladylovelace #ADALovelaceDay #computerscience #machinelearning
@satanasur Things are more complex than that. iirc, there were several versions of those machines, only a subset of which were actually built, and the whole enterprise of actually using them wasn’t straightforward, either (math calculations vs general computations). There was correspondence and collaboration between #Babbage and #AdaLovelace. Some ideas were published, other kept private. Thus the confusion.