Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Early episodes of the fourth season of Babylon 5 go to a dark place, and that's after all that fascism in season three. Sheesh.
#Babylon5 S01E20
Fasten then zip or zip then fasten? Who the heck zips first, Garibaldi?! What kinda question is that?
Grey council claps hands...everybody please find your circle of light so we can begin.
What's with Babylon stations' environmental systems in warehouse areas? Always so much fog!
Theory - the greater your eyebrows the more important you are in the #B5 universe.
Do it for Zathras!!!
#Babylon5 S01E21
Episode summed up nicely by Londo stating, "Touch this."
#Babylon5 S01 E18&19
Hokey pokey - Study it! Learn it! Confound your enemies with it!
Interesting how Earth's Office of planetary security is OOPS
star furies should be nicknamed jacks....roll jacks!
"if i were a landing thruster which one of these would i be...." said Londo looking at all the buttons in the cockpit.
The Cones of Dunshire ( ) exist in #Babylon5 (S01E17 - Legacies)!
Looks like #BenWyatt from #ParksAndRec took his game interplanetary. I bet it's more than 'the ninth-highest-selling multi-player figurine-based strategy fantasy sequel game in history' if #Delenn is playing it on #B5 !
#babylon5 #benwyatt #parksandrec #delenn #b5 #babcom
#Babylon5 S01E12
G'Kar used the word "supper," he must come from the Wisconsin Narns:
I guess one thing I just noticed about #StarTrek and #Babylon5 is that there are plenty of hardware issues, but never any software issues.
Babylon 5 is a space station that holds 250,000 people, but #Babcom works flawlessly.
O'Brien is always coupling and decoupling things on #DS9 but we don't ever hear of software upgrades.
Just once it would be nice to see #Picard on hold with tech support with a bunch of Romulan Warbirds closing in hearing, "Have you tried turning it off and on?"
#startrek #babylon5 #babcom #ds9 #picard
#B5 S01E04 & S01E05
- Protect!
- B5 has a quarter million creatures living on it.
- Eugenics bad.
- How do you start a list of Earth's greatest people with Marilyn Monroe?
- G'Kar cooks and sings!
- Gongs. In. Space.
- Ain't no party like a Centauri party cuz a Centauri party don't stop
- What did the last Xon say just before they died? Ahhhhhh!
- In purple, Londo is stunning.
- True love for the commander?
- B5 has rogue space archeologists, too!
B5 episodes 2 and 3
- I'll swallow your soul!
- Just don't give away the home world (I believe that Londo and G'Kar may not be their species' best and brightest)
- "The gratitude of the narn is known throughout the galaxy" - G'Kar
- There are jugglers in the third age of man...juggling bowling pins...on a space station...for entertainment. *chef's kiss*
- Londo's eyebrows are stupendous.
- That awkward computer query Cmdr. Sinclair makes...eep!
Only caught a few episodes of Babylon 5 in the 90s. Might try a run-through.
Episodes 00 and 01:
- Oodles of CGI lens flares. So much lens flare!
- Garibaldi related to #MadAboutYou's Ira Buchman?
- Babylon 1-3 blown up...4 disappeared w/o trace...#OhDear
- Babylon 5 fighters look like jacks.
- Londo had me humming Le Tigre's Fake French -
- Babylon 5 precursor to #StarTrek #DS9? Wormhole gate thingy!
- G'Kar is the jerky one-armed man!
#madaboutyou #ohdear #startrek #ds9 #duckdodgers #babylon5 #babcom