#AllStarTrek Talas seemed more pissed that the MACO guard wasn't even going to consider her sexual overtures, so she decided to kick his ass even harder.😅
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #BabelOne
#babelone #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
#StarTrekEnterprise It's really strange that 3 episodes ago Shran was torturing Vulcan Ambassador Soval, and now he's being rescued by Enterprise and on the bridge.
This episode's a good a pretty good setup for a multipart story arc, I hope they don't screw it up.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrek #BabelOne
#startrek #AllStarTrek #babelone #startrekenterprise
#AllStarTrek I'm a lil annoyed that I saw the intro to the next episode already as it spoiled the mystery.😖
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #BabelOne
#babelone #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek Oh no, Trip and Malcolm working together, gonna have to use the accents to tell them apart.😖
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #BabelOne
#babelone #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek Earth tries to mediate between the Andorians and Tellarites, and tensions escalate quickly.🤔🤣
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #BabelOne
#babelone #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek Catching up on #StarTrekEnterprise and... oohhh... #BrianThompson AND #JeffreyCombs guest starring!
#StarTrek #BabelOne
#babelone #startrek #jeffreycombs #brianthompson #startrekenterprise #AllStarTrek