Asturias tiene una prevalencia superior a la media europea de , similar a la malaria.
Un estudio del Instituto de Salud Carlos III indica una elevada seroprevalencia de esta zoonosis en pacientes anteriormente infectados con enfermedad de Lyme, que también se transmite por picadura de garrapata. Los autores señalan que esta comunidad autónoma es una zona de riesgo emergente para la babesiosis.

#babesiosis #AgenciaSINC #ciencia #epidemiologia #asturies

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacob Tennessen · @JacobPhD
497 followers · 89 posts · Server

"Neglected tropical diseases" are a set of infections, mostly afflicting low-income populations, that receive relatively little funding given their public health impact. Most of these are caused by eukaryotic parasites and/or spread by vectors. It's notable that the most biologically similar illnesses common in wealthy countries, like , are also relatively neglected in terms of public awareness and treatment/prevention options. Maybe we need a "neglected temperate diseases" category.


Last updated 1 year ago

AKNativeNews · @AKNativeNews
135 followers · 905 posts · Server

Researchers warn of tick-borne disease babesiosis
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Team sequences and mines genome of the pathogen Babesia duncani

'Tis the season for hiking now that spring has arrived and temperatures are on the upswing. But with hikes come insect bites and on the increase in North America is babesiosis, a malaria-like...
america change

#babesiosis #ticks #bites #disease #north #hiking #climate

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr Bob · @drrjv
238 followers · 1722 posts · Server

Tick season is upon us. Lots of potential infectious diseases including , and !

"In areas that are highly endemic for Lyme disease, a single prophylactic dose of doxycycline (200 mg for adults or 4.4 mg/kg for children of any age weighing less than 45 kg) may be used to reduce the risk of acquiring Lyme disease after a high-risk tick bite."

#lyme #babesiosis #redmeat #allergy

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Bob · @drrjv
238 followers · 1722 posts · Server

Cases of yet another -borne are rising in the Northeast, says
cases are rising in eight states, and the disease is newly in three more, according to a CDC report.

Symptoms of babesiosis include fever, chills, sweats, headaches, body aches, nausea, fatigue or muscle and joint pain. The disease has an overall fatality rate of around 1% to 2%

#tick #disease #cdc #babesiosis #Endemic

Last updated 2 years ago