Dear #cycling nerds: we're thinking of selling our #Bakfeits and buying a new electric model. What should we know about the options?
Currently we're looking at a #Babou or a #Tern, but are happy to entertain alternatives. We've got one 4 year old and no car, living in (reasonably) bike-friendly Cambridge.
What's your experiences?
#cycling #bakfeits #babou #tern
RT de Thibaut Collin :
L’autocollant #stoppub marche super bien. 5 mois qu’il est en place, on a jamais autant eu de déchets papier à l’origine de #pollution dans notre boîte aux lettres. Ça suffit.
#netto #conforama #midas #babou #thiriet #but #intermaché
#stoppub #pollution #netto #conforama #midas #babou #thiriet #but #intermaché