Argh. Kids indistinctly argue on game night brain make semi-lucid dream. “The evidence points to YOU....!” my brother says. A basset runs down the hall, taking existence for granted. Luggage. Veranda. Struggle to get up. Awaken at midnight. Thanks, boys. #BabyBoomerHouse
Rearranged the “Edison” reading lamps in the Futon Room, i.e. my living room. Lovely, warm light. #BabyBoomerHouse
My sleep pattern is back to normal and the cops’ flashers are kitty-corner at 2:15 a.m. #BabyBoomerHouse
Heat Advisory Tues Noon to Wed 6:00 p.m. w/temps up to 40 °C. °°°Cleaning #BabyBoomerHouse still haven’t found my safe deposit box key. Beginning to think I’d left it in a pocket. °°°Pastor is concerned about Mother being unsteady on her pins. °°°
I haven’t been able yet to change my new Wi-Fi router’s name to #BabyBoomerHouse (or for that matter #FuckISLD!), but it’ll come. °°°Do pi & phi share any sequences? Is there proof one way or the other? Can predicate logic be reduced to set theory or vice versa? How much money do I have in my checking account? °°°#Overbrain
#babyboomerhouse #fuckisld #overbrain
Damn, my short-term memory is bad! Where is anything and everything... ‽
Petrichor & Thunder. Still dry at #BabyBoomerHouse. The apocalypse is elsewhere.
Equalization at 27 °C at 10:10 p.m. Turned off the AC and opened the relevant windows. #BabyBoomerHouse
AC’s been cycling. Turned it down a notch and turned on the Futon Room fan.
If the USPS has just dropped off my latest batch of fancy coffee their timing’s bad.
TIL that when I adjust the louvers of the window AC in the #ComputerSuite upwards I feel a slight breeze on my recumbent hairy legs in the eponymous #FutonRoom.
#computersuite #futonroom #babyboomerhouse
Mother (who is legally blind) returned my Fahrenheit Galileo thermometer because she can’t see even it and fears the cleaning lady might break it. Thus the #FutonRoom is >28 °C/<≈80 °F. High of 34 °C from mid-afternoon to early evening. Saving the errands for tomorrow –I am le tired. #BabyBoomerHouse
Rearranging the Computer Suite my hand brushed the Stan Kenton CD off the table, breaking the jewel case. #PauliEffect
The AC compressor thrums. The robust floor fan directs cool air from the Computer Suite to the living room. I scratch my balls.
The bedroom, which faces west, is a lost cause. And so to sleep on the futon in the living room I go.
Got out of my two-day funk and cleaned #BabyBoomerHouse a bit. Changed filters, that sort of thing. °°°
It took a few days before I realized that my Wi-Fi #BabyBoomerHouse had died (being #ActuallyAutistic). The LEDs flash appropriately but neither my phone nor my phone sees it. Curiouser and curiouser!
#babyboomerhouse #actuallyautistic