I gave the baby two segments of Meyer lemon (which I love!) and now she no longer trusts me.
#Baby learns #DelayedGratification:
Our almost-9-month-old LOVES to eat with her spoon. (Even foods she she rejects will get a fair hearing from the spoon.)
For weeks, she would cry & scream when we took the spoon away to reload it, then shove it happily into her mouth the moment it was back.
Then: we'd ask, "do you want more?" & she would offer her spoon... yet sob when we took it.
Now she offers it w/o tears -- but observes watchfully to make sure it is returned promptly.
#babyledweaning #delayedgratification #Baby
Last Thanksgiving we announced that after 4 years of trying, my wife was pregnant. This Thanksgiving, we got to share our dinner with our incredible little baby. He loved everything, even the Brussels sprouts! We have never been more thankful. 😊
#infertility #queerfamily #ivfbaby #babyledweaning
The long term plan to get chickens has been dealt a bonus card now it turns out baby will annihilate a soft boiled egg and soldiers #chickens #food #BabyLedWeaning
#babyledweaning #food #chickens
Weaning the baby has given us an incidental corvid friend #BabyLedWeaning #magpies #birding
#birding #magpies #babyledweaning