My ma sent this to me last night. She must be recollecting now that the year is drawing to a close.
Yes, this is me as a wee tote.
#family #teaghlach #máthair #irish #IrishMastodon #babyMe #filmPhotography #redhead
#family #teaghlach #mathair #irish #irishmastodon #babyme #filmphotography #redhead
Now THIS is disquette 💾 level vintage #throwbackthursday #babyme #pixels #photography #lgbtq #ados
#throwbackthursday #babyme #pixels #photography #lgbtq #ados
Now THIS is disquette 💾 level vintage #throwbackthursday #babyme #pixels #photography #lgbtq #ados
#throwbackthursday #babyme #pixels #photography #lgbtq #ados
@kepler @rabynya @rainydaycare I'm usually fine with RP. I just sometimes feel bad if I can't match the level of detail or creativity that some folks put into more elaborate posts.
Otherwise, all of my posts implicitly include the #babyme tag (or whichever tag is decided).