Playing D&D tonight and apparently my character now gets a li’l baby dragon fren. What should I name him? Currently considering Tikko (as in Tikkola Nesla, which is a The Adventure Zone reference) and Leon (as in Leon Theremin). He’ll have lightning breath eventually. (Image by Midjourney) #dnd #babynames
There were 13,968 births and 10,205 deaths registered in Ireland in Quarter 1 2023
#CSOIreland #Ireland #VitalStatistics #VitalStats #Births #Deaths #Marriages #IrishBabiesNames #BoysNames #GirlsNames #BabyNames
#csoireland #ireland #vitalstatistics #vitalstats #Births #deaths #marriages #irishbabiesnames #boysnames #girlsnames #babynames
Thinking about giving your baby a unique name? Hold on one second. “After debating ‘Farah’ and ‘Franny,’ they finally saw my future first name as a stranger’s last name in a newspaper article, and voila,” Faran Krentcil describes how her parents came up with her name. Here’s the whole article in
#Culture #Names #BabyNames
There were 57,540 births and 35,477 deaths registered in Ireland in 2022
#CSOIreland #Ireland #VitalStatistics #VitalStats #Births #Deaths #Marriages #IrishBabiesNames #BoysNames #GirlsNames #BabyNames
#csoireland #ireland #vitalstatistics #vitalstats #Births #deaths #marriages #irishbabiesnames #boysnames #girlsnames #babynames
There were 12,869 births and 8,149 deaths registered in Ireland in Quarter 4 2022 but HSE cyber-attack affects comparability with previous quarters
#CSOIreland #Ireland #VitalStatistics #VitalStats #Births #Deaths #Marriages #IrishBabiesNames #BoysNames #GirlsNames #BabyNames
#csoireland #ireland #vitalstatistics #vitalstats #Births #deaths #marriages #irishbabiesnames #boysnames #girlsnames #babynames
Would you pay someone to name your baby? Some TikTok creators are now making a living by analyzing prospective parents' taste and coming up with the perfect name for their (sometimes not-yet-conceived) child. @Vox says it's all down to the modern cultural fascination with uniqueness and the rise of social media. Here's more (apologies in advance to all Jessicas).
#parenting #lifestyle #babynames
There were 14,091 births and 8,467 deaths registered in Ireland in Quarter 3 2022 but HSE cyber-attack affects comparability with previous quarters
#CSOIreland #Ireland #VitalStatistics #VitalStats #Births #Deaths #Marriages #IrishBabiesNames #BoysNames #GirlsNames #BabyNames
#csoireland #ireland #vitalstatistics #vitalstats #Births #deaths #marriages #irishbabiesnames #boysnames #girlsnames #babynames
Johnny Cash’s daughter Roseanne was named after her birth.
#johnnycash #babies #babynames
The most popular baby names by city and county in 2022.
See the national ranks in the Irish Baby Names 2022 release:
#CSOIreland #Ireland #VitalStatistics #VitalStats #Births #IrishBabiesNames #BoysNames #GirlsNames #babynames
#csoireland #ireland #vitalstatistics #vitalstats #Births #irishbabiesnames #boysnames #girlsnames #babynames
Jack retains top spot as the most popular boys' name in Ireland in 2022 while it's Emily for girls
#CSOIreland #Ireland #VitalStatistics #VitalStats #Births #IrishBabiesNames #BoysNames #GirlsNames #BabyNames
#csoireland #ireland #vitalstatistics #vitalstats #Births #irishbabiesnames #boysnames #girlsnames #babynames
CSO traces the popularity of the name Brigid to mark the first St Brigid’s Day Bank Holiday
#CSOIreland #Ireland #VitalStatistics #IrishBabiesNames #GirlsNames #BabyNames #Brigid #StBrigid #BankHoliday #Brigid1500
#csoireland #ireland #vitalstatistics #irishbabiesnames #girlsnames #babynames #brigid #stbrigid #bankholiday #brigid1500
Now you know: Most popular name given to girls in the USA, per 1000 female births: 1780-2021 (Mary to Olivia)
#firstdayofclass #sociology #babynames
I just found out that Heimdall was not approved as a name in Hungary in 2022.
(Hungary has a list of approved names you can give your child. If a name is not on the list, you have to submit an application to the Center of Linguistic Research.
Every year they publish the list of newly approved names, as well as names that got rejected. It's always a fun read...)
👶 🌈
#hungary #norse #mythology #names #babynames
I got 100% on this baby name quiz about Christmas. How do you do?
If you took the 72 boys' US #babynames that reached at least 7 boys per 1000 births, and you identified the year they reached that level, and then measured how much their popularity had risen in the previous 5 years, you could track how fast popular names were rising over time - something like the faddishness of popular names. It would look like this:
Nowadays names generally rise in popularity more quickly than they fall. But this was especially the case around the middle of the 20th century, when some names we think of as very "normal" rose to popularity very quickly, then tapered off more slowly. These are the leading cases, for boys and girls: fast rise, slow fall
#babynames @familyresearch
Just thinking about the ‘een’, ‘ene’ & ‘ine’ name suffix
-een comes from Irish: either an Anglicisation of ‘ín’ or a Hiberno-English diminutive, eg ‘maneen’ = little man
-ene can be Greek or Hebrew (and because early biblical texts were in Greek, maybe there’s a crossover)
This ending was very popular in the US in the late 1930s, and I associate it with ‘grandma names’
Then there’s ‘ine’, which comes to English via Middle English via Old French via Latin: used as an adjective (as many names are) or to feminise nouns
This ending was very popular in the late 19th century and in French and German
Caroline (etymologically the same name as Charlene)
There is a lot of cross-pollination between these names because they all sound like ‘een’. I just learned that ‘Lurleen’ is a variant of the German name Lorelei