V pátek jsem měla #bábysitting, protože Drak soplil a nemohl tak do dětské skupiny.
Dneska jsem posmrkala čtyři velký bavlněný pánský kapesníky. Chjo
A jinak k dnešnímu #bábysitting
🧓 Dneska jsem poprvý zvládla přebalit hovínka, všimla sis, heč?
👩🦰 Všimla, takhle zaneřáděnej zadek ještě neměl.
No tak nic, no.🙈
🔥🔥 c’était le feu aujourd’hui 🔥🔥
Au Majestic Compiegne avec Philippe Lacheau et Tarek Boudali pour l’avant-première de #3joursmax !
Merci aux équipes du majestic pour leur accueil.
Merci à Philippe Lacheau pour sa gentillesse et la signature sur les tableaux
Et merci à Tarek Boudali ! ( prochainement en portrait!!)
#davidbelo #portrait #fifi #philippelacheau #art #paint #expo #news #celebrity #actor #acteur #instagram #instaportrait #alibicom2 #babysitting #film #cinema
#cinema #film #babysitting #alibicom2 #instaportrait #instagram #acteur #actor #celebrity #news #expo #paint #art #philippelacheau #fifi #portrait #davidbelo #3joursmax
Já se na ten zítřejší #bábysitting tak těším! Nejen že po čtrnácti dnech uvidím Draka, ale mladí mají doma klimatizaci.🥵
"(...) gerne gibt man aus der Hand
Den Säugling, der nicht stammverwandt."
Wilhelm Busch, "Balduin Bählamm, der verhinderte Dichter" #Babysitting
All babysitters are hot ngl
#horridhenry #horridhenryfanart #shota #madmartin #babysitting
#horridhenry #horridhenryfanart #shota #madmartin #babysitting
for those who played Urban Demons #rpgmaker game:
Dizzy and Peter #babysitting
old art too...
She loves her job as a female clown and will take any job with babies or tots for free! 😈 👌
#pedomom #babysitting #lesbian #femdom #sadist #pedomommy #toddler
#toddler #pedomommy #sadist #femdom #lesbian #babysitting #pedomom
He looked at me like I was committing the biggest betrayal of the century (he was in his bed, I was leaving) and now he's having a very intense tea party with three to five teddy bears.
Returned from shopping with popsicles, Man Juice, strawberry ice cream, and frozen blueberries for the 2 sick children who will be here while my husband goes out for some cardiac testing. Fucking #handfootmouthdisease and #babysitting while single.
#handfootmouthdisease #babysitting
#babysitting is over. Many tears were shed, not all of them mine. Bests quotes of the night include the 2-year-old and I making Play-D'oh! noodles when I asked if she'd like to work in a noodle factory when she grew up and she said, "Of course." Also, when we were picking something for Movie Night and the 6-y-old swore his little sister only liked Girl movies while he only liked Boy movies, but she loved Minions Gru Rising and she said, "I hate #Minions Gru Rising." #Amwriting (not) #tomorrow.
#babysitting #minions #amwriting #tomorrow
Gotta love when in a small #American semi-rural community on the outer fringe of a metro area - people feel the need to wear #SideArms into stores and restaurants (for “self defense”) but are comfortable leaving infants alone strapped in car seats inside running vehicles while they sip coffee in the bakery. The #CognitiveDissonance is amazing.
#GunControl #SelfDefense #2A #Safety #ChildNeglect #WastingGas #GunSafety #BabySitting #NoIdling #Emissions #Gun #Risk #BadParenting #Merica #WTF
#WTF #merica #badparenting #risk #gun #emissions #NoIdling #babysitting #gunsafety #wastinggas #childneglect #Safety #2a #selfdefense #guncontrol #cognitivedissonance #sidearms #american
Babysitter sticking her tongue deep inside the kid she's watching x year old cunny, covering her mouth with her hand, pinning down her arms, and lapping up her sweet, virgin juices 🤤
#loli #babysitting
Vždycky jsem chodila k volbám nejdřív, co to šlo. Tedy zpravidla při cestě z práce. Před dvěma týdny při návratu z #bábysitting. Teď čekám na Drahý, až se vrátí z Německa, což bude nejspíš v noci. Takže volit půjdeme až zítra. I když je to jedno, jsem jak na trní. 🧐
There ended up not being any sex in it, just a lengthy pervy explanation of a kidfucking business model, but here's the Kid Thumpers Babysitting Crew!
Featuring #babysitting and that's kinda it since there's no actual sex, which honestly I think is for the best in this case.
Ukončení dnešního #bábysitting:
👩🏻🦳Tak já jedu domů a přijedu zase ve středu, jo?
👶🏻Vrtí hlavou.
👩🏻🦰Tak tu má babička zůstat?
👶🏻He! (široký úsměv a zubení znamená ANO)
Někdy je těžký odjíždět. ♥️