(p)ppGpp – An important player during heat shock response
@microLifeJrnl Review from @KursadTurgay
A Decrease in Fatty Acid Synthesis Rescues Cells with Limited Peptidoglycan Synthesis Capacity
@mbiojournal by @JessicaWilldigg @Yesha_SP & @JohnHelmann
Cell-to-cell natural transformation in Bacillus subtilis facilitates large scale of genomic exchanges and the transfer of long continuous DNA regions
-in @NAR_Open
Prediction of surfactin fermentation with Bacillus subtilis DSM10 by response surface methodology optimized artificial neural network
- in Cell Biochemistry and Function by @rekucc95 et al at @BME_hu 🇭🇺
#bacillussubtilis #naturalproduct
Elongation Factor P Is Important for Sporulation Initiation
@JBacteriology by @FeagaHeather et al @dworkinlab
Signal Peptide Efficiency: From High-Throughput Data to Prediction and Explanation
-in @ACSSynBio by @stefano_beowulf et al from Tjeerd van Rij/@DSM, Jan Maarten van Dijl @researchumcg with @Andy_FGen and @panke_sven/@BPL_ethz
CRISPR-dCas12a-mediated genetic circuit cascades for multiplexed pathway optimization
-in @nchembio
DNA Methylation and RNA-DNA Hybrids Regulate the Single-Molecule Localization of a DNA Methyltransferase on the Bacterial Nucleoid
-in @mbiojournal from Lyle Simmons
with @lieke_ann
Cell-specific cargo delivery using synthetic bacterial spores
@CellReports from @RamamurthiLab
#Bacillussubtilis #TargetedDrugDelivery #cancertreatment
#bacillussubtilis #targeteddrugdelivery #cancertreatment
Mikrobe des Jahres 2023: Bacillus subtilis – für Gesundheit und Technik
Die #Mikrobe des Jahres 2023 kann man sogar in der Apotheke kaufen. Bacillus subtilis gilt als gesundheitsfördernd und ist daher als #Probiotikum im Handel. Als #Nahrungsbestandteil ist die Mikrobe in #Asien schon lange bekannt. In der #Tierhaltung wird dieses #Bakterium als #Antibiotika - #Alternative eingesetzt. Zudem produziert #BacillusSubtilis #Vitamine und #Enzyme im industriellen Maßstab, etwa für #Waschmittel. Und er heilt sogar Risse im #Beton. Dieses mikrobielle Multitalent wählte die Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie #VAAM zur zehnten Mikrobe des Jahres. (...)
#mikrobe #probiotikum #nahrungsbestandteil #Asien #Tierhaltung #bakterium #Antibiotika #alternative #bacillussubtilis #Vitamine #enzyme #Waschmittel #Beton #vaam #Biologie #Wissenschaft #amylasen #proteasen #lipasen
Nice Current Opinion in Microbiology review by @AndreaFloccari and @Anna_Dragos
Host control by SPβ phage regulatory switch as potential manipulation strategy
#bacillussubtilis #prophage #biofilm
RT @VAAM_Microbes@twitter.com
We proudly present #Bacillussubtilis
#MicrobeoftheYear2023 🦠🍄
Another highlight in the diverse world of microbes🦠 -model organism, widely used in health, nutrition & technology - it even heals cracks in concrete
#bacillussubtilis #microbeoftheyear2023 #mdj #mikrobedesjahres
RT @VAAM_Microbes
We proudly present #Bacillussubtilis
#MicrobeoftheYear2023 🦠🍄
Another highlight in the diverse world of microbes🦠 -model organism, widely used in health, nutrition & technology - it even heals cracks in concrete
#bacillussubtilis #microbeoftheyear2023 #mdj #mikrobedesjahres
It is 10 years, I started a research group first at FSU Jena🇩🇪 and currently at DTU🇩🇰
What are we working on?
#Biofilms of #Bacillussubtilis & #Multispeciesbiofilms
#PlantMicrobeInteraction & #soil #SynComs
#ChemicalEcology (#surfactin), #Genomics & #QuantitativeEcology of #Bacilli
#ExperimentalEvolution of #Biofilms & #MicrobialInteractions
#Generegulation & #CircadianClock in B. subtilis
see more: https://tinyurl.com/4nzyn46m
#biofilms #bacillussubtilis #multispeciesbiofilms #plantmicrobeinteraction #soil #syncoms #ChemicalEcology #surfactin #genomics #QuantitativeEcology #bacilli #experimentalevolution #microbialinteractions #bacteriafungiinteraction #generegulation #circadianclock #introduction