The Aura is available again at TUXEDO! The Aura 14 is ultra mobile, light, robust and brings enough #power to effortlessly handle all office and everyday tasks in an #energy-saving operation. The medium-sized 49 Wh battery of the small #Linux #office #notebook allows around 4 to 5 hours of typical office work at medium screen brightness. Charging via the original power adapter or via the #PowerDelivery DC-In feature of the USB-C port.
#backagain #tuxedo #aura #newform
#power #energy #linux #office #notebook #powerdelivery #backagain #tuxedo #aura #newform
117 Loggia
4 Hobgoblin archers observe area 12 Storeroom. 4 hobgoblin spearmen guard the spirit naga’s lair (115).
#RoadTrip tomorrow, #Germany to #France, hope to have time to post 118 Secret Balcony. Also hope to come up with room contents on the way. #BackAgain the next day with my #GameCollection.
#roadtrip #germany #France #backagain #gamecollection #dungeon23 #DnD #osr #ttrpg #handdrawn #map #cartography
In den letzten Tagen konnte PeakPick aufgrund fehlender Daten keine Strommix-Prognose erstellen. 😥 Jetzt sind auf ENTSO-E, der Transparenzplattform europäischer Übertragungsnetzbetreiber, wieder die Werte für die geplante Stromerzeugung und die vorraussichtliche Erzeugung durch Erneuerbare Energien verfügbar, aus denen die Infografik erstellt werden kann. ☺️
Damit kannst du deinen Stromverbrauch an die regenerative Erzeugung anpassen und zur Energiewende beitragen. 💪
#Stromkosten #Strommarkt #Strompreis #Marktwirtschaft #BackAgain #InstaData #NoData #Windstrom #Solarenergie #Energiewende #CO2 #Emissionen #Klimaschutz #Infografik #ErneuerbareEnergie #NachhaltigkeitImAlltag #GutZuWissen #LasstUnsHandeln #MachMit #GoGreen
📷 Das Foto wurde von 𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗲 ( @lets_windturbine auf Instagram) in #Castrop-Rauxel aufgenommen.
🔍 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲: Berechnungen auf Basis von Daten der Transparenzplattform des Verbandes Europäischer Übertragungsnetzbetreiber ENTSO-E (
we #pickgreenenergy 💚
#stromkosten #Strommarkt #Strompreis #Marktwirtschaft #backagain #instadata #nodata #windstrom #solarenergie #Energiewende #co2 #emissionen #KlimaSchutz #infografik #ErneuerbareEnergie #nachhaltigkeitimalltag #GutZuWissen #lasstunshandeln #machmit #gogreen #castrop #pickgreenenergy
Es ist ein wunderbares Gefühl herauszufinden das die Einschreibung in Kurse für das Sommersemester noch nicht begonnen hat. Oft genug war es genau anders herum, ich hab die Fristen knapp verpasst oder gerade noch rechtzeitig erwischt aber jetzt kann ich erstmal die Beine hochlegen und mich um andere Sachen kümmern!
Wenn ich dazu komme lade ich hier demnächst schöne Bilder der letzten Monate hoch (◕‿◕) #BackAgain
Could be; maybe not...
If the game is as bad as #JKRowling's appropriated-fiction; it "deserves" all the criticism it can get... I spent an afternoon reading the first three books on their initial release; that's #Time I won't ever see #BackAgain...
But don't get me #Started on #JKRowling...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🎠🦹☕🐻☕🦹🎠
#jkrowling #time #backagain #started #noend #it
What started as a minor technical difficulty has meant I’ve been off since before #christmas
Im back now! What have I missed? #backagain #hello
I'm one of those people that you regret following, but can't be bothered to unfollow.
Like, when the water in the shower is too hot, but you're too lazy to reach over and move the tap half a centimetre. That's me. I'm the hot water.
#introduction #introductions #twittermigration #hot #water #scifi #starwars #comics #linux #macos #debian #apple #sysadmin #astronomy #science #tobacco #PipeSmoking #pipes #NotNewHere #backagain #mastodon #account #migration
#migration #account #Mastodon #backagain #Notnewhere #pipes #pipesmoking #tobacco #science #astronomy #sysadmin #apple #debian #macos #Linux #comics #starwars #scifi #water #hot #twittermigration #introductions #introduction
Good morning :)
My spouse and me are back from two weeks of being more or less voluntarily cut off from the outside world in our beloved little cabin in the woods.
It was a wonderful and creative time, I actually managed to record 7 demos under the watchful eyes of my various four-legged co-producers :)
It's nice to be back, though I'm a little bit concerned what the world has been up to in our absence...
#dogsofmastodon #music #musician #backagain
#TopTen iconic tunes from the #OldeyTimes (in no particular order)
#INeedYourLovin - NRG
#PeaceAndLoveism - Sonz of a Loop Da Loop Era
#SomewhereOverTheRainbow - Marusha
#BackAgain - Run Tings
#IBelieve - D'Cruze
#GuiltyOfSeduction - Loopzone
#OptionToDie - Tellurian
#BloodOfAnEnglishMuffin - English Muffin (Lenny Dee)
#EverybodyThatsInThePlace - Prodigy
#HalcyonAndOn - Orbital
#topten #oldeytimes #ineedyourlovin #peaceandloveism #somewhereovertherainbow #backagain #ibelieve #guiltyofseduction #optiontodie #bloodofanenglishmuffin #everybodythatsintheplace #halcyonandon #dnb #hardcore #gabber #trance
Herzlichen Dank @markusblogde fürs Reaktivieren meines Accounts aus 2020.. jetzt kann es wieder losgehen im #fediverse 🚀