I'll be presenting a session on upgrading from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS at Twin Cities Drupal Camp on Friday at 11:00pm (Central). I look forward to seeing you there.
#Drupal #BackdropCMS #TCDC #TwinCities #Minnesota #OpenSourceCMS
#drupal #backdropcms #tcdc #twincities #minnesota #OpenSourceCMS
Just a reminder, Backdrop LIVE is an unconference that focuses on facilitated discussions rather than structured presentations (although we have a few of those too). Anyone can suggest a topic for the schedule. We welcome topics that are not Backdrop specific. We'd welcome discussions about things happening in the Drupal community.
Block D is available for folks in time zones very different from the USA.
#backdropcms #drupal #OpenSourceCMS #websitedevelopment
The next few weeks are pretty exciting and busy for me.
Sept 14-15th
Twin Cities Drupal Camp is back for the first time since 2019.
Sept 23-24
Backdrop LIVE has moved to a twice a year schedule (was 3/year). The reduced frequency means less volunteer burnout.
#TCDrupal #TwinCitiesDrupal #BackdropCMS #Drupal #OpenSourceCMS
#tcdrupal #twincitiesdrupal #backdropcms #drupal #OpenSourceCMS
We have office hours today.
Volunteers are standing by to answer your questions about #backdropcms
We have two time slots:
9:00-11:00 UTC or
19:00-21:00 UTC
(See link for translation to your local timezone).
#backdropcms #drupal #opensourcecms
Backdrop LIVE is Sept 22-23.
It's an online event for learning about #BackdropCMS and sharing information.
Everyone is welcome.
BackdropCMS has been described as a cross between Wordpress and Drupal. This is your chance to ask questions and talk to other people that use it.
#backdropcms #wordpress #drupal #OpenSourceCMS
Use a database driven CMS like #BackdropCMS
Code and config are in repo, but content in MySQL database.
Backdrop CMS user group is about to start. We're talking about Organic Groups module today.
Everyone is welcome.
#backdropcms #drupal #OpenSourceCMS
@datendetektivin da fällt mir spontan noch #BackdropCMS mit dem Webform Modul ein.
So bleiben die Daten unter eigener Kontrolle, keinerlei externe Dienste werden benötigt.
Das Modul kann in Backdrop über wenige Klicks installiert werden.
The Twitter block I have on a clients site that was broken a few weeks ago is working again.
It's a feed of recent Tweets they posted. I did not expect these feeds/widgets to ever work again and had planned to replace it.
Hopefully, this client will decide to move off Twitter eventually anway. But for now, I guess we leave the block.
#backdropcms #websites #twitter #x
Here is a link to the project page for the Organic Groups module.
(#BackdropCMS is the place where #Drupal 7 code lives on and gets better).
#backdropcms #drupal #organicgroups
The next Backdrop CMS Virtual User Group meeting is tomorrow (August 17th).
Topic: Organic Groups module
A port of this Drupal 7 module was released back in April. Let's take a look at where it's at now and how to use it on your next Backdrop CMS project.
#drupal #backdropcms #OpenSourceCMS
@pcambra nothing new. No mention of #BackdropCMS on the whole page. As if the name of the Drupal fork is still taboo on drupal.org. 🤷
Yes, Backdrop LIVE will be one week later. Backdrop LIVE is an online event and more information will be coming very soon.
Twin Cities Drupal Camp is just over a month away. We've long had one of the biggest and best camps in the country. Please, consider joining us.
Hoping to get a critical mass of BackdropCMS folks here as well to share experiences and lessons learned upgrading Drupal 7 sites to #BackdropCMS.
#backdropcms #tcdrupal #twincitiesdrupalcamp #tcdc
Twin Cities Drupal Camp is just over a month away. We've long had one of the biggest and best camps in the country. Please, consider joining us.
Hoping to get a critical mass of BackdropCMS folks here as well to share experiences and lessons learned upgrading Drupal 7 sites to #BackdropCMS.
#backdropcms #tcdrupal #twincitiesdrupalcamp #tcdc
Is #blogging still a thing? Of course, blogs are a great way to share your thoughts with a bigger audience.
#BackdropCMS ships with a blog (and more) out-of-the-box. But what if you also want to publish your posts in the #fediverse – without extra effort?
There's a module for that: Mastodon Toot
#fediverse #backdropcms #blogging
So you have a #WordPress site, but it feels a bit limited feature-wise? And you're considering to migrate your content to something more versatile? Consider #BackdropCMS and its "WordPress Import" module!
Here's a recap by @keiserjb, how he managed that task. And how he benefits from the additional features he got now.
#BackdropCMS office hours take place twice every Wednesday.
We help folks to:
* Get started with Backdrop CMS.
* Upgrade their #Drupal 7 site and modules to Backdrop.
* Contribute to Backdrop CMS.
* Anything else that pertains to Backdrop CMS.
To attend those Jitsi meetings, you only need a browser, no account nor registration.
Enjoy our latest article, Retrofit or Backdrop CMS: Which savior should the damned on Drupal 7 sites turn to? https://www.symfonystation.com/Retrofit-Backdrop-CMS-Drupal-7 #Drupal7 #Retrofit #BackdropCMS
#drupal7 #retrofit #backdropcms
Enjoy our latest article, Retrofit or Backdrop CMS: Which savior should the damned on Drupal 7 sites turn to? https://www.symfonystation.com/Retrofit-Backdrop-CMS-Drupal-7 :drupal: #Drupal7 #Retrofit #BackdropCMS
#drupal7 #retrofit #backdropcms