Roger Ward · @rogward
5662 followers · 326 posts · Server

More garden wildlife from suburban Brighton, UK.

Cheeky squirrel on the bird feeder. Definitely knows he's been sussed.

I usually follow back, & really appreciate and often follow boosters.

#backgardenwildlife #squirrel #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #BrightonWildlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
5603 followers · 316 posts · Server

More garden wildlife from suburban Brighton, UK.

This is a female Broad-bodied chaser dragonfly, Libellula depressa, from springtime (May). I see these quite frequently, and this one was very obligingly still for me. Dragonflies are insects in the sub-order Anisoptera (meaning “unequal-winged”).

I usually follow back, & really appreciate and often follow boosters.

#backgardenwildlife #insect #insects #dragonflies #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #BrightonWildlife #dragonfly

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
5135 followers · 222 posts · Server

Muslin moth, Diaphora mendica, from the garden light trap.

Very brightly coloured underneath, and, like many species, when first disturbed it played dead for a bit until it got confident and turned over. Like all my moths, has now been released back into the wild.

I usually follow back, & am really grateful for a boost

#moths #mothing #backgardenwildlife #insect #lepidoptera #ukmoths #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #brightonmoths #mothingmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
5603 followers · 316 posts · Server

Muslin moth, Diaphora mendica, from the garden light trap.

Very brightly coloured underneath, and, like many species, when first disturbed it played dead for a bit until it got confident and turned over. Like all my moths, has now been released back into the wild.

I usually follow back, & am really grateful for a boost

#moths #mothing #backgardenwildlife #insect #lepidoptera #ukmoths #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #brightonmoths #mothingmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
4108 followers · 173 posts · Server

Another large back garden moth. This one is a Lime Hawk moth, Mimas tiliae. Wingspan 55-70 mm Possibly the inspiration for WW2 aircraft camouflage.

Also, a picture of the home-made Skinner type trap I used that night.

I follow back, & am really grateful for a boost

#moths #mothing #backgardenwildlife #insect #lepidoptera #ukmoths #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #brightonmoths #mothingmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
5603 followers · 316 posts · Server

Another large back garden moth. This one is a Lime Hawk moth, Mimas tiliae. Wingspan 55-70 mm Possibly the inspiration for WW2 aircraft camouflage.

Also, a picture of the home-made Skinner type trap I used that night.

I follow back, & am really grateful for a boost

#moths #mothing #backgardenwildlife #insect #lepidoptera #ukmoths #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #brightonmoths #mothingmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
3917 followers · 154 posts · Server

This is a Garden Tiger moth (Arctia caja). Once rare in the UK, it made a bit of a comeback, but is now in decline. Night flying, so many people haven't seen one. Moths that tend to rest with their wings open like this, are often docile and readily handleable. Wingspan 50-78mm

I always follow back, & am grateful for a boost

#moths #mothing #backgardenwildlife #insect #lepidoptera #ukmoths #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #brightonmoths #mothingmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
5603 followers · 316 posts · Server

This is a Garden Tiger moth (Arctia caja). Once rare in the UK, it made a bit of a comeback, but is now in decline. Night flying, so many people haven't seen one. Moths that tend to rest with their wings open like this, are often docile and readily handleable. Wingspan 50-78mm

I always follow back, & am grateful for a boost

#moths #mothing #backgardenwildlife #insect #lepidoptera #ukmoths #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #brightonmoths #mothingmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
3830 followers · 147 posts · Server

These are Privet hawk-moths, Sphinx ligustri. The largest UK hawk moth, with a wingspan up to 120mm. Common, very docile, easily handled, and great for showing to kids.

I'm a keen lepidopterist, observing. recording, & releasing moths in my small urban back garden.

I always follow back, & am grateful for a boost.

#moths #mothing #privethawk #backgardenwildlife #insect #lepidoptera #ukmoths #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #brightonmoths #mothingmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
3830 followers · 147 posts · Server

I'm a keen lepidopterist, observing. recording, & releasing moths in my small urban back garden.

In two years I have recorded 258 verified species.

This is a Buff tip moth, Phalera bucephala. You can guess what he spends his life pretending to be, so he doesn't get eaten.

I always follow back, & am grateful for a boost.

#moths #mothing #backgardenwildlife #insect #lepidoptera #ukmoths #sussexwildlife #sussex #brighton #brightonmoths #mothingmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Ward · @rogward
3830 followers · 147 posts · Server

I had such a positive response to my first moth post, I'll do more. All from my back garden, nocturnal, and released back into the wild.

This is a Puss moth, Cerura vinula, wingspan about 60mm.

I always follow back, and am really grateful for a boost.

#moths #mothing #pussmoth #wildlife #backgardenwildlife #insect #insectphotography #lepidoptera #ukmoths #ukinsects #sussexwildlife #moth #sussex #brighton #BrightonWildlife #brightonmoths #sussexmoths

Last updated 2 years ago