Link to the newsletter about On the Market and BAT's new-to-us performing space.
#battheatre #opensfebraury10 #backinperson #onthemarket
Hat tip to The B-Town (Burien) Blog for spreading the word that BAT is back in person very soon!
#betterlivetheater #backinperson #backsoon #battheatre
BAT is pleased to announce that in partnership with Kennedy Catholic High School in Burien, BAT will be producing plays at Kennedy's theater space. BAT's first in-person show in that space will be On the Market by Jason Odell Williams, opening on February 10, 2023.
#BATtheatre #WithKennedy #KennedyCatholicHighSchool #OnTheMarket #BackInPerson
#backinperson #onthemarket #kennedycatholichighschool #withkennedy #battheatre
At the first read-through of On the Market. It begins!
#onthemarket #backinperson #firstread #battheatre
Happy to be here. Happy to be back in person!
#onthemarket #backinperson #battheatre
Originally posted by IEEE ComputerSociety /
The #CVPR2022 Exhibits are open! #backinperson