My occasional apology for the complete lack (or nearly) of cocktail/rum content after all the "I'm going to lean back into this" talk. I'm dealing with a disc so herniated it has pinned my spinal cord against the other side of the spinal column and like, it hurts a bit and the combination of medications for controlling that while we explore long-term treatment is like, not friendly to drinking. #cocktails #backproblems
The only thing on my calendar now is doctors appointments. 😒
I wish I could get over the chronic fatigue and at least some of the pain.
I want to go do things outside. But I can't move much, on most days now.
It's been about 10 months with this new condition and no end in sight.
I was already broken enough with my back and neck problems x 22 years, but now, JFC it's so much worse.
#VentingIntoTheVoid ™️©️🙃
#fibromyalgia #cfs #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #nervepain
#BackProblems #depression
#ventingintothevoid #fibromyalgia #cfs #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #nervepain #backproblems #depression