#Covid19's back, you say? As #disabled and vulnerable people know all too well, it never went away
The government’s policy is to pretend we’re getting ‘#BackToNormal’. The result is millions of us live in fear of losing our lives
#ToryPoliciesInAction #Health #PublicHealth #MoneyBeforePeople #ToryIndifference #England
#england #toryindifference #moneybeforepeople #publichealth #health #torypoliciesinaction #backtonormal #disabled #COVID19
Apparently my dentist died recently. Just keeled over and kicked the bucket while on his morning jog. This is what nobody is acknowledging about #COVID and #LongCOVID vascular and neural damage.
You will probably be fine if you're vaccinated and it will feel like a cold or maybe not even like anything, and then you go to work and spread it, then weeks or even months later when you are trying to go #BackToNormal and do some light exercise you just die.
#HealthcareWorkers need to recognize COVID as a #WorkersRights and safety issue. They are some of the most at risk people for the effects of long COVID especially because HCWs in the USA have a culture of emphasizing exercise and also sleep deprivation. I'm no immunologist but that seems like a risk factor to me.
#covid #LongCovid #backtonormal #HealthCareWorkers #workersrights
Wie der Urlaub ist schon zu Ende? Hatte mich doch gerade erst daran gewöhnt. 😩 #backtonormal
One of the downsides on being away on conference is that there is just a ton of stuff that has been piling up on your desk and awaits your return.
But the conversations and connections made at Bits & Pretzels HealthTech were definitely worth it.
#vc #conference #networking #scouting #worktodo #backtonormal
#vc #conference #networking #scouting #worktodo #backtonormal
I said the other day that #anarchy must include #accessibility. If your revolution doesnt make space for marginalised people, you don't understand anarchy.
Or as this article puts it:
“the revolution will not be ableist.”
A true leftist does not put capitalism before community. For me, there’s nothing more radically “punk rock” than actually giving a shit about other people’s wellbeing, and doing what needs to be done to ensure it.
#pandemic #leftist #BackToNormal
#anarchy #accessibility #pandemic #leftist #backtonormal
#Journal, Day 1098
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
#notcovid #backtonormal
#wfh #filmandtv
#warehouse #rain #birdsofmastodon
#journal #notcovid #backtonormal #wfh #filmandtv #warehouse #rain #birdsofmastodon
"But the federal government has already started pushing some people back to the old normal. And it isn’t fun and games for those people." The Progressive's "Smart Ass Cripple," Mike Ervin, on the disaster that is #BackToNormal. #CovidIsNotOver https://progressive.org/latest/smart-ass-cripple-terrible-old-normal-ervin-21223/
Yep everything is completely normal! Nothing to worry about here.
#backtonormal #nc #WearAMask #COVIDisAirborne
Nach 334 Tagen „Auszeit“ heute der erste Tag normales Arbeiten. Sowas Brauch 8ch definitiv nicht nochmal.
Descending into the lurgi again. Spent the night with periods where I couldn't get enough air. I feel like a prat when I go out with a mask on and see so many others possibly splurging lurgi without a care in the world (coughers, splutterers, the infected).
#Vulnerable #Public Health #BackToNormal #PostPandemic
#vulnerable #public #backtonormal #postpandemic
Immerhin habe ich die Zahl der Mails in der Inbox jetzt soweit reduziert, dass Outlook wieder einen Progress Dialog anzeigen kann, wenn ich weitere in die Ablage verschiebe oder lösche. 😄
Well that's it for another year. Christmas decorations are down and put away. Now for a hoover up.
#christmas #twelthnight #backtonormal
Dienstag also. Immerhin die letzte Woche mit easy going. Näcste Woche geht's mit Wiedereingliederung los. Mit leichten 3h/Tag. Irgendwie freu ich mich. #backtonormal
Awake and up at a ‘normal’ time on a very chilly morning.
All just horrendous #backtonormal
Es hört sich draussen mittlerweile wieder so an wie in den Jahren vor der Pandemie. Ich stelle mir vor, das es sich in einem Kriegsgebiet ähnlich anhört 😩
The outside sound of fireworks and Chinese crackers is as intense as it was before the pandemic started. I imagine that the noise and light flashes are the same as in a war torn zone
#sylvester #newyearseve #fireworks #noise #backtonormal
Große und kleine Familiendramen hier am #Flughafen. Auf jeden Fall sind viele hier gestresst. Diese neue Reisefreiheit tut vielen offensichtlich gar nicht so gut.
#Weihnachtsreise #backtonormal
#backtonormal #weihnachtsreise #flughafen
Such #relief. We're fitting in a delay before actually leaving the station. #backToNormal
So, zum ersten mal wieder unter 10min/km. F*ck Dich Schlaganfall! #backtonormal
So, #Wiedereingliederung steht. Am 10.Januar geht's los. #Backtonormal
#wiedereingliederung #backtonormal