y justo hoy #DoctorWho menciona #BTTF #BacktotheFuture, talk about serendipity 🤣
#backtothefuture #bttf #doctorwho
Today, September 1, in 1885, "Doc" Emmett L. Brown stashes the DeLorean in a mine and sends a Western Union letter that Marty McFly will receive on November 12, 1955 (Back to the Future II & III, 1989/1990)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #BackToTheFuture #BTTF #BackToTheFuture2 #BackToTheFutureII #BackToTheFuture3 #BackToTheFutureIII
#backtothefutureiii #movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #backtothefuture #bttf #backtothefuture2 #backtothefutureii #backtothefuture3
Un clásico de esos que puedes ver una y otra y otra vez... Y aquí la oportunidad para volver a hacerlo!
#VolverAlFuturo la trilogía ya disponible en #StarPlusLA!
#volveralfuturo #starplusla #backtothefuture #regresoalfuturo
PowerWash Simulator se une a Regreso al Futuro en un pack especial. Limpia escenarios y objetos inspirados en la icónica trilogía, como el DeLorean, el reloj o el tren. El pack estará disponible más adelante este año para PC y consolas. PowerWashSimulator #BackToTheFuture
no todo son malas noticias: hoy, justo 138 años después del reencuentro de Doc y Marty en el poblado que luego sería Hill Valley, he pillado entradas para ver #BTTF #BacktotheFuture en Broadway 🙃 Del 4 al 17 de septiembre es la “broadway week”, con descuentazos ❤️ (hemos mirado #Hamilton pero los asientos con oferta son bastante malos, ya la vimos en asientos buenos en #London2022HamiltonReloaded, y tengo el #Hamilfilm para verla en asiento premium cuando quiera 😝) #EastCoast2023
#eastcoast2023 #Hamilfilm #london2022hamiltonreloaded #hamilton #backtothefuture #bttf
#mcfly #michaeljfox #ericstoltz #backtothefuture #robertzemeckis #alternativereality
The Boy asked to watch Back to the Future yesterday and really enjoyed it - despite not really grasping time travel! Delighted as I'd been looking forward to sharing what is one of my all-time favourite film series. That it's closing in on for 40 years old doesn't seem an issue.
Resolución de la Time Machine
¿y tú cómo lo haces?
#twistypuzzle #cubadicto #cubadictos #cuboderubik #resolucionistas #rubik #friki #time #timemachine #backtothefuture
#twistypuzzle #cubadicto #cubadictos #cuboderubik #resolucionistas #rubik #friki #time #timemachine #backtothefuture
Gizmodo: Back to the Future: The Musical stars Liana Hunt and Casey Likes’ First Fandoms https://gizmodo.com/liana-hunt-and-casey-likes-first-fandoms-1850758817 #backtothefuturethemusical #entertainmentculture #backtothefuture #humaninterest #lianaguasa #lianahunt #casey #fan
#backtothefuturethemusical #entertainmentculture #backtothefuture #humaninterest #lianaguasa #lianahunt #casey #fan
勝手に80'sマイブーム。憧れたのはデロリアンなんだけど…。かっこよい時代。#uniunaunauna #AI #capcut #backtothefuture #Shorts
#uniunaunauna #ai #capcut #backtothefuture #shorts
Okay, Doc. This is a blues riff in B. Watch me for the changes, and try to keep up. #BackToTheFuture #BTTF
Ich glaub das gerade nicht, was ich da auf YouTube gesehen habe
#backtothefuture #retro #zurückindiezukunft
#backtothefuture #Retro #zuruckindiezukunft
@ukuku yeah, but they should have gotten a #BackToTheFuture reference in there for good measure...
"Track? Where we're going, we don't need track."
"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."
@GayDeceiver @Caution Coming of age film about teen angst and issues with mom
#explainafilmbadly #backtothefuture
I should have maybe tagged #RolandEmmerich too, but perhaps the disaster movie bit covers that.
Some honourable mentions regarding time travel and other timey-wimey stuff (still in no particular order):
Things I forgot from the first post:
#rolandemmerich #beforeigners #backtothefuture #terminator #thesarahconnorchronicles #groundhogday #timeless #Loki #russiandoll #lifeonmars #westworld #inception #TedLasso #onceuponatime
@gnate 🤣🤣🤣 YES! Sign be up for Beavis and Butthead doing commentary on the whole Back to the Future trilogy! "Heh, heh ... He's gonna make out with his mom ..." 😁👍📼
#BackToTheFuture #BeavisAndButthead
#backtothefuture #beavisandbutthead
Doc Brown hanging around with Libyan terrorists ...
#unwanteddeletedscenes #hashtaggames #backtothefuture