Today I stopped by and chatted with one of the old timers and original -ers and an OG .

He gave me these seeds to try to germinate. They are from 2017. He quit cultivating in 2019. These are his personal line that he's been cultivating since he arrived.

They were originally brought to Humboldt by others who made a botanical expedition to Afghanistan in 1976 to bring back so called "Indica" varieties that ripened earlier and would be more suited to Humboldt County's fall rains than the tropical "sativa" varieties people grew from "bag seeds" in weed that came from Mexico or Columbia.

These seeds have a long story. Preserving and spreading these genetics and the stories of the people who cared for them is part of our mission.

We'll be germinating these now and growing some small plants outdoors this summer so we can make fresh seeds and test the finished flower for potency. We hope to offer them as starts to growers next season.

#Humboldt #backtotheland #weedfarmer #growthetradition #fuckcorporateweed

Last updated 1 year ago

Bruce · @hjemme
7 followers · 25 posts · Server
Bruce · @hjemme
0 followers · 4 posts · Server

I am going to start researching and experimenting with "lazy beds" (Irish, "ainneor") for growing potatoes, this Spring. More to come.

(I hate the term "lazy beds.")

#potatoes #backtotheland #foodtraditions #oregon

Last updated 2 years ago

NaturalRadical · @NaturalRadical
169 followers · 297 posts · Server

We’ve been above freezing for 2 days, the roads are slush and ice, the snowpack has slid from the eastern roof, and yet this monument to remains at the corner of my cabin. Not sure I can drive out successfully today, will wait till tomorrow.

#backtotheland #okanogan #winter

Last updated 2 years ago

Love these Speckled Roman tomatoes from the polytunel in the summer. Great grilled or in a sauce.

#organic #OrganicGardener #organicvegetables #organicveggies #backtotheland #organicgrowing

Last updated 2 years ago

Todd Tyrtle · @toddtyrtle
294 followers · 292 posts · Server

Back in 1998, just a few months after our son was born, I quit my job with no other job behind it and @sagetyrtle and I went off to both be at-home parents. If we were going to do this we knew we had to scale back our lifestyle immensely until we could live on next to no money. How did we manage? Well, we started like this...

#backtotheland #simplelife #voluntarysimplicity

Last updated 2 years ago

JesseOfTheNorth · @jesseofthenorth
4 followers · 22 posts · Server

IS everyone in the western world, in their totally pampered life style just going to fall over and die when the shit hits the fan? Can't do this! Can't do that! It's not safe! That's yucky! My hands will get dirty! I don't like the smell! I could never do that!
I swear to god half the people i know WOULD fucking die if they had to live the way i live by choice. I kinda feel bad for them. Sort of.

#backtotheland #shtf #offgridliving

Last updated 2 years ago

Rach · @rach_presto
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

I'm going to buy some land, build weird houses, grow a garden, have workshops and make things. I'm looking for other people who have similar ideas and want to stay in a weird house and make things with me.

#backtotheland #HippieConvention #permaculturegardening #MakerspaceEverywhere

Last updated 2 years ago

JesseOfTheNorth · @jesseofthenorth
4 followers · 22 posts · Server