@Philipnschofield Thanks!
At this point, the result is kinda academic:
~ My workmates know of my proximity to the disease, and don't really want me around, but I can't be sent home without pay (I've used up all my sick days)
~ My partner tested positive today, and is already worn-out looking after an energetic 6YO who's coming out the other side
~ I can't really afford a day off to help look after the kid, but neither can I risk taking #COVID to the workplace (assuming I haven't already), and I *really* can't afford to miss an entire week's work if/when I finally test positive
I've got a bone to pick with #CovidMinimizers and #BackToWorkers: they should hope I never get the chance to pick it in person...
#covid #covidminimizers #backtoworkers #CovidIsNotOver