I swear violin II is going to get it right in the eyeball! SHE GOT THE BALL FIRST REF! #PlayOn #BackToYouJim #SymSat
There is no truth to the rumor that this song was about too much fish in the original French language! #BackToYouJim #iLikeToWatch
I recognize most of these players from EU orchestras Note some of the violinists are ridin their steeds bareback (no chinrests) #BackToYouJim #SymSat
@JanineFromPgh @SesameSquirrel @LilyDoe "I'm just a Bill, yeah I'm only a Bill.... but at least I'm not a psychopath!" --School House Rock #OscarGetsAredCard #BackToYouJim #actionmatinee
#actionmatinee #backtoyoujim #oscargetsaredcard
@MatthewTitus88 So, then they're the pointless sisters? #StraightUpRedCard #BackToYouJim #MondayActionMovie
#mondayactionmovie #backtoyoujim #straightupredcard
@MatthewTitus88 Those guys polish their hor.... errr "instruments!" #BackToYouJim #SymSat
No truth to the rumor that "Wrath of man" was originally called "Roid Rage" but that didn't test well in the groups! #BackToYouJim #ActionMatinee (DANGIT! ixnay on the manitee thing I can't actually type the hashtag correct anymore, bad idea 😛
Run around in turbins get sucked in compressed ignited and blown #NotAeuphemsim #BackToYouJim #BMovieManiacs
#BMovieManiacs #backtoyoujim #notaeuphemsim
And I just pray to gawd "yellowstone" is not a euphemism #BackToYouJim #catitstu
@ianthehood Down here in 'merica we have freedoms to not wash our hands! #DiesOfDysentaryOrNoTeethNotSureWhich #BackToYouJim #riff3k
#riff3k #backtoyoujim #diesofdysentaryornoteethnotsurewhich
@rljenk RLJ pulls ahead in the back of the net goals, still Oscar isn't doing too bad being expelled and not even on the field #BackToYouJim #iLikeToWatch
Where's the Ref?! He's lost control of the game he should be throwing red cards like crazy! #BackToYouJim #BMovieManiacs
@stuartgrist Nobody make the joke, nobody! :-P #iLikeToWatch #RefLookingNervous #BackToYouJim
#backtoyoujim #reflookingnervous #iliketowatch
"They knock me out when I'm down there." :ms_eyes: #RefIsViewingTheVR #BackToYouJim #iLikeToWatch
#iliketowatch #backtoyoujim #refisviewingthevr
@rljenk Good, because otherwise they'd be TOPLESS! #OnePointForOrange #RefsCheckingVRforEuphemism #BackToYouJim #iLikeToWatch
#iliketowatch #backtoyoujim #refscheckingvrforeuphemism #onepointfororange
@rljenk rlj and orange are tied might go to PKs! #BackToYouJim #iLikeToWatch
@MatthewTitus88 as long... as ... he gets a ball first?! #RefSaysPlayOn #BackToYouJim #BurnNoticeTV
#burnnoticetv #backtoyoujim #refsaysplayon