! Learn how to keep your data safe & secure with 3 copies in 2 different formats on 1 off-site location.
#BackupStrategy #DataSecurity #3-2-1Backup
why yes i did change the icon for my Time Machine drive to a TARDIS and now it works more timey wimey wibbly wobbly
A nice thing about losing a computer in the way I did is that I got to test my backups and data redundancies thoroughly.
Here's the complete list of what I cannot recover:
Not bad, right?
@heiseonline Wer ein #Backup auf eine fremde #Cloud macht, hat halt eine schlechte #Backupstrategy. Zumal wenn die #Backups #unencrypted/#unverschlüsselt sind. War schon immer so, wird immer so sein. Neu ist dieser Sachverhalt ja nicht.
#unencrypted #backups #backupstrategy #cloud #backup
Alternatively, backing up a remote server...could I put it on offline storage at my house? Do I need another server as a backup server?
#server #backupstrategy #linux #selfhosting