NGC5033 is a Seyfert galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. It has a very interesting morphology with a nice complex inner part and well developed spiral arms in the outskirts which are also considerably warped. #backyardastrophotography
A beautiful pair of a face-on barred spiral (NGC 5905) and an edge-on spiral galaxy (NGC 5908) #backyardastrophotography
Chip Arp's catalogue is always a good source to find interesting objects for #backyardastrophotography. Here we even go double Arp - Arp 1 (aka NGC 2857) and the pair Arp 285.
planetary nebula M76 a.k.a. little dumbbell nebula #backyardastrophotography
Nearly 7 hours on this beautiful galaxy now and the finer details are coming out nicely. Check out those gorgeous spiral arms!!
#altairastro #hypercam269c #skywatcher #backyardastrophotography
#altairastro #hypercam269c #skywatcher #backyardastrophotography
Here's an updated image on my current project NGC1999. I recently purchased ZWO ASI Cameras 533 mono camera to pair with the colour version I already owned. So I have been able to add about 5 hours of luminance data to the 7 hours of colour data I had collected. I am hoping to get another nights worth of luminance and another hour on the colour camera using short exposures for the stars only. Hopefully this will finish it off nicely!
#backyardastrophotography #nightsky #astrophotography
care for some more galaxies as seen from my backyard? #astronomy #astrophotography #backyardastrophotography
#astronomy #astrophotography #backyardastrophotography