Ok, I got it wrong, or whatever happened. I went through my soundrecording of today's 30 min. #backyardbirding thinking that I might have heard a Chiffchaff far away.
At the marked place in the recording I didn't hear it, but close to it I did find a faint recording of a yellowhammer flying over ๐
The filtered recording got confirmed by BirdNet, Merlin and by a soundcloud recording.
So: september birdsound nr 5: Yellowhammer flying over.
#fieldrecording #birding #backyardbirding
Yesterday, I didnโt make it to the hardware store before it closed to pick up my curbside order of bird seed. I was completely out so I put out some plain oats in the meantime so there was *something*. Then I saw it was going to rain and I felt really bad for not being stocked! But around 5am, I woke up with an epiphany remembering that I had put a large ziploc bag of safflower seed in my car in case I ever needed it while out and about. I used up most of it feeding a flock of turkeys that was protecting a limping hen a month ago but there was still some left. So yes, I went out in the rain before the sun rose to grab a small amount of seed for my birds before going back to sleep. And yโknow what? I slept better having done so.
I have recorded the sound of me taking this picture ๐, I will add it as a reply to this post.
The field recorder was running during yesterdays #backyardbirding and recorded 46 minutes... That's too much to go through, but I did get the sound of me taking pictures and this Eur. Nuthatch sitting in the tree and then flying over my head ๐
It seems the bird made a bit of an a-typical sound, but with xeno-canto.org apparently being down at the moment I can't see how a-typical it is.
A few meters to the left or right can make a difference, also in #backyardbirding. I can choose between having a great view or to stay 10 meters closer to the house and take a chair at the terrace and keep an eye on the bushes and the few trees in the garden. I choose the latter today and got rewarded with this juvenile Tree Sparrow calling loudly from the top of a tree (Good news for the Sparrowhawk) and I found out that there were not 1 but 2 Lesser Whitethroats in the bushes today.
Male N. Cardinal at home. My recent gardening strategy is "more sticks!" for birds. Sunflower stalks work too.
NIkon z6ii, 700mm, f/8, 1/500s, ISO 3200, handheld.
#BackyardBirding #BirdPhotography
#backyardbirding #birdphotography
The barn swallows are still there. I was getting worried that they might soon leave for winter migration. But I can see that the last time I saw one from the garden was 3. oct '20, 7. oct '21 and the 6.oct '22. So they will be here a month more ๐
And today my camera also caught a house martin. I don't see them that often from the garden, but the latest ever was the 26. august '21. House Martins leave Denmark a few weeks earlier so that was a nice catch today!
#birds #backyardbirding #denmark
It was a good day #Backyardbirding today. I didn't had the energy for a birding trip but I didn't regret staying at home and spend an hour looking at birds.
Highlight were the calling of a tree creeper near by (only the second time I could identify a tree creeper from the garden) and 3 Tree- or Meadow pipits.
And nice to see a Chif Chaf and a Willow Warbler using the garden, while the resident Lesser Whitethroat is still making its clicking sound in the bushes.
@AngusW swallow = 1/1000 shspeed
It looks like a miracle a bird can fly like this.
If it is just moulting then I wonder why the other Common Gulls are looking smooth and fine.
#commongull #backyardbirding #denmark
Iโve become a #birdwatcher. #Hummingbirds are at the feeder CONSTANTLY. I work just to pay for hummingbird water. ๐ They sound like chipmunks on helium when they interact with one another, and they remind me of Mighty Mouse, like theyโre on a special mission. ๐ถ Here I come to save the day!๐ถ Also, I thought, how cute, they love to play together! Upon closer inspection, thereโs one that acts like he owns the feeder and spends all his time chasing the others away. #backyardbirding #birds #birding
#birdwatcher #hummingbirds #backyardbirding #birds #birding
Happy #Wrensday
Pretty good look at the color patterns on this Carolina Wren.
#wrensday #birds #backyardbirding #birdsofmastodon
This one's for @handmade_ghost and all the LBJ/LBB out there looking for love.
#birds #BackyardBirding #birding
#BirdsOfMastodon #LBJ/LBB
House Sparrow
Please feel free to add your photos!
#birds #backyardbirding #birding #birdsofmastodon #lbj
A hot catbird at home, near a bird bath. I'm making peace with the deer fence and using it to support constructed bird perching and habitat areas. The wood piece on the left is from a used-to-be-fence post, my Mom grabbed it for me since it was hollowed out & had prior bird nests in it. She knows me and my idiosyncrasies โค๏ธ
#BackyardBirding #BirdPhotography
#backyardbirding #birdphotography
That was a very interesting 30 min. birding from the garden today!
I was much later than usual and went out at 17:30. That was apparently a good idea:
1 Honey Buzzard, 1 Swift (my last for this year?), 2 Bullfinch, about 250 Rooks, 1 Kestrel, 5 Barn Swallow and to top it all off a Golden Plover flying over!
The last one is a first for this year (we live 25 km from the sea) , and #backyardbirding species nr. 75 for '23.
#vogel #fugle #birdwatching #birding #denmark #backyardbirding
Just had a female downy woodpecker exploring the tree outside my bedroom window!! Also just looked up how to tell female downy and hairy woodpeckers apart.
Hummingbird optimizations: "why hover when you can perch and still get nectar from this Crocosmia?"
I had the camera out when the goldfinches were out! and in the process saw a hummingbird as it buzzed through this sunflower scene with a male Am. Goldfinch.
Nikon z6ii, 700mm, ISO 1600, f/8, 1/1600s, handheld.
#BackyardBirding #BirdPhotography
#backyardbirding #birdphotography
Happy Friday! I put up fence because the deer have been eating most of my garden this year; I had been avoiding doing so for aesthetic rand cost reasons. But the birds seem to like the extra perching spots, especially the catbirds! This bird's pose reminds me of a motorcycle racer, leaning into a turn.
Flowers: lilies above the bird, Hydrangea querfolica in the background.
Nikon z6ii, 700mm, f/8, ISO 1600, 1/500s, handheld.
#BackyardBirding #BirdPhotography #BloomScrolling
#backyardbirding #birdphotography #bloomscrolling
A rough-looking Carolina Wren, in the middle of molting. There are many bald and somewhat featherless birds at home at the moment.
#backyardbirding #birdphotography
An American Robin soaking in the bath. This bird stayed for a couple minutes in the water without the usual shaking, etc. This was last week when it was so hot.
NIkon z6ii, 700mm, f/8, ISO 1600, 1/800s, handheld.
#BackyardBirding #BirdPhotography
#backyardbirding #birdphotography
Some remote capture experiments .... and I learned some things. 1 & 2: Gray Catbird, 3: a molting female N. Cardinal, 4: scurrying chipmunk.
Next time:
- I could use a lens with a smaller field of view.
- Arrange the camera and scene such that critters of interest will be on a similar plane, to avoid refocusing.
All Nikon z6ii, 32.00mm, remote capture with CamRanger mini.
#BackyardBirding #BirdPhotography
#backyardbirding #birdphotography