"Musk’s new Twitter policies helped spread Russian propaganda, E.U. says"
πŸŽπŸ”— wapo.st/3R0JiBF
Meta's been a bad actor too, as per usual.

#badactors #disinfo #RussiaIsATerroristState

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
167 followers · 4407 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Paul Besso · @PBesso
6 followers · 87 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Do you want to fix problems with the 'Darkside' of the internet: I truly think that education from the womb to the tomb is the solution… bit.ly/3Ny9Act

#internet #badactors

Last updated 1 year ago

Tomas Ekeli · @tomasekeli
752 followers · 2965 posts · Server snabelen.no

that's a clever vector, victor:

are masquerading as researchers with fake accounts and other social-media connected to them.

they then report vulnerabilities, and the example repositories include


#badactors #security #github #malware

Last updated 1 year ago

StillKindaHoping · @stillkindahoping
94 followers · 848 posts · Server mstdn.party

The for is very short: less than 2 years before many clerical jobs are replaced, and heightened (and ) social unrest is instigated by using and AI-tuned . This is not . People intrigued by will soon be , and by de-sandboxed AIs that know how to push your buttons based on your , etc.

#timeline #ai #malfeasance #effective #badactors #socialmedia #communication #exponential #linear #chatgpt #confused #misled #divided #tiktok #Instagram #gonnabebad #verybad #pandorasbox #notatoy

Last updated 2 years ago

StillKindaHoping · @stillkindahoping
94 followers · 848 posts · Server mstdn.party

The is very short: less than 2 years before many clerical jobs are replaced, and heightened (and effective) social unrest is instigated by using and AI-tuned . This is not . People intrigued by will soon be , and by de-sandboxed AIs.

#timeline #badactors #socialmedia #communication #exponential #linear #chatgpt #confused #misled #divided #enjoynow #gonnabebad

Last updated 2 years ago

starting to think every time im in these bogus posts. are taking notes.
RT @amandine38350
Make sure to check if you are eligible @Mahdi_kt @Sebasti53863936 @blees_eth @ErdTran @Oghenekewwe @PhamDuong1987 @_bkpt @irb0gie @TatnaDmitrieva3 @CannaCollectiv2 twitter.com/arbritrurn/status/

#mentioned #badactors

Last updated 2 years ago

BtcNews · @BtcNews
1 followers · 89 posts · Server mastodon.social

Title: Kraken CEO Accuses US Financial Regulators of Supporting Cryptocurrency Industry Destruction Description: Jesse Powell, CEO of Kraken cryptocurrency exchange, claims that US financial regulators are only supporting those who seek to destroy the cryptocurrency industry, while allowing β€œbad actors” to thrive. Powell criticizes the regulators for punishing normal businessmen who comply with the rules and argues… btcnews.biz/cryptocurrencies/t

#cryptocurrencies #badactors #cryptocurrencyexchange

Last updated 2 years ago

Mx_EddyNikko · @MxEddyNikko
6 followers · 165 posts · Server toad.social
AlienKnight · @linkeddev
51 followers · 609 posts · Server toot.garden

recommended firewall IP blocks - these were flagged overnight, and as I view logs I'm compiling a list, and will continue to edit this post (viz.greynoise.io/ip/220.133.17) (viz.greynoise.io/ip/220.132.74)

#firewall #badactors #malicious #mastoadmin

Last updated 2 years ago

I read a story the other day about ANOTHER account suspended.... for no reason given...

The Reason being the ... was... wot(?):

ΒΉ Bad management?
Β² Technical glitch?
Β³ Did they get ?
⁴ Hacked?!?! Again!?!πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Previously a month or two ago another outlet suggested that this is a for said 's to or this to a so you communications wise. Solutions to do this for controlling your own company's are taking off marketing wise.

You can see the stories of what happens when a few of private and publicly traded company platforms become unreliable to the point of endangering wise for your department and company brand wise.

The funny part was the highlight of the article that said this was a less than 10% of their communications platform traffic when looked at their web site traffic where they do own vs. their bad presence.

_Less_! Than! 10%!

There are solutions that the budget most budget that could outsource this presence and redirect to that would fix this in less than a month with the correct imo.

Figure. I.T. Out!

#governmentservicesorg #toxicsocialmediaonepointoh #accountsuspended #hacked #technews #wakeupcall #setuptheirowninfrastructure #outsource #msp #controlyourownplatform #infrastructurebuyback #commsplatforms #badactors #publicservicescommunications #web1 #web2 #pettycash #smolbusinesses #web3 #multipostingclient #itnews #web3migrationbridges #web2toweb3strategys

Last updated 2 years ago

I read a story the other day about ANOTHER account suspended.... for no reason given...

The Reason being gone ven was... wot(?):

ΒΉ Bad management?
Β² Technical glitch?
Β³ Did they get ?
⁴ Hacked?!?! Again!?!πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Previously a month or two ago another outlet suggested that this is a for said 's to or this to a so you communications wise. Solutions to do this for controlling your own company's are taking off marketing wise.

You can see the stories of what happens when a few of private and publicly traded company platforms become unreliable to the point of endangering wise for your department and company brand wise.

The funny part was the highlight of the article that said this was a less than 10% of their communications platform traffic when looked at their web site traffic where they do own vs. their bad presence.

_Less_! Than! 10%!

There are solutions that the budget most budget that could outsource this presence and redirect to that would fix this in less than a month with the correct imo.

Figure. I.T. Out!

#governmentservicesorg #toxicsocialmediaonepointoh #hacked #technews #wakeupcall #setuptheirowninfrastructure #outsource #msp #controlyourownplatform #infrastructurebuyback #commsplatforms #badactors #publicservicescommunications #web1 #web2 #pettycash #smolbusinesses #web3 #multipostingclient #itnews #web3migrationbridges #web2toweb3strategys

Last updated 2 years ago

I read a story the other day about ANOTHER account suspended.... for no reason given...

Previously a month or two ago another outlet suggested that this is a for said 's to of this to a so you communications wise.

You all can see the stories of what happens when a few private and publicly traded company platforms become unreliable to the point of endangering wise.

The funny part was the highlight of the article that said this was a less than 10% of their communications platform traffic when looked at their web site traffic where they do own vs. their bad presence.

_Less_! Than! 10%!

There are solutions that the budget most budget that could outsource this presence and redirect to that would fix this in less than a month with the correct imo.

Figure. I.T. Out!

#governmentservicesorg #toxicsocialmediaonepointoh #technews #wakeupcall #setuptheirowninfrastructure #outsource #msp #controlyourownplatform #badactors #publicservicescommunications #web1 #web2 #pettycash #smolbusinesses #web3 #multipostingclient #itnews #web3migrationbridges #web2toweb3strategys

Last updated 2 years ago

I read a story the other day about ANOTHER account suspended.... for no reason given...

Previously a month or two ago another outlet suggested that this is a for said 's to of this to a so you communications wise.

You all can see the stories of what happens when a few private and publicly traded company platforms become unreliable to the point of endangering wise.

The funny part was the highlight of the article that said this was a less than 10% of their communications platform traffic when looked at their web site traffic where vh they do own vs. their bad presence.

_Less_! Than! 10%!

There are solutions that the budget most budget that could outsource this presence and redirect to that would fix this in less than a month with the correct imo.

Figure. I.T. Out!

#governmentservicesorg #toxicsocialmediaonepointoh #technews #wakeupcall #setuptheirowninfrastructure #outsource #msp #controlyourownplatform #badactors #publicservicescommunications #web1 #web2 #pettycash #smolbusinesses #web3 #multipostingclient #itnews #web3migrationbridges #web2toweb3strategys

Last updated 2 years ago

I read a story the other day about ANOTHER account not suspension for no reason given... Previously a month or two ago another suggested that this is a for said 's to of this to a so you communications wise.

You all can see the stories of what happens when a few private and publicly traded company platforms become unreliable to the point of endangering wise.

The funny part was the highlight of the article that said this was a less than 10% of their communications platform traffic when looked at their web site traffic where vh they do own vs. their bad presence.

_Less_! Than! 10%!

There are solutions that the budget most budget that could outsource this presence and redirect to that would fix this in less than a month with the correct imo.

Figure. I.T. Out!

#governmentservicesorg #toxicsocialmediaonepointoh #wakeupcall #setuptheirowninfrastructure #outsource #msp #controlyourownplatform #badactors #publicservicescommunications #web1 #web2 #pettycash #smolbusinesses #web3 #multipostingclient #itnews #web3migrationbridges #web2toweb3strategys

Last updated 2 years ago

Leisureguy · @Leisureguy
231 followers · 1751 posts · Server mstdn.party


Absolutely fascinating β€” and I am entranced by the diagrams. I would love a video showing the very beginnings and subsequent evolution of those clusters.

Great work!

#misinformation #socialnetwork #badactors #liesandthelyingliarswhotellthem

Last updated 2 years ago

Itamar Medeiros · @designative
230 followers · 747 posts · Server mastodon.social
Blue Petunia · @HiRezCanDo
51 followers · 763 posts · Server hackers.town

So here's a for us all. With the recent influx of users I'm willing to bet are upping their game here.

This is our place and we need to keep it safe from those who want to sow division, confuse or divide us, or otherwise make use less effective at making good decisions.

What are some things that we all can do to keep ourselves and each other safe from , etc?

#doxxing #misinformation #badactors #question

Last updated 2 years ago

Freeman Crouch · @freemancrouch
39 followers · 171 posts · Server mastodon.social

It dawns on me that it's very likely that a downsized, full-Nazi 2.0 will absolutely succeed at its real goals (destroying a channel for real , pumping out , cheerleading , of the vulnerable, and generally, ) without needing to make money.

They can burn money from or or whoever, and in the fullness of time, still have an IPO and make an absolute stack of stupid people's money.

#twitter #journalism #disinformation #badactors #harassment #chaoticevil #saudi #russia

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy 'Bob' Brockhurst :donor: · @b3cft
82 followers · 106 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Of course features are going to be coming fast and furious in the run up to but another neat feature for is
hashing of the TLS Client Hello packet to create the JA3 .

Allows you to create a (or if you're lucky enough) of in your (or just to log for anomalies)


#aws #reinvent #cloudsecurity #cloudfront #fingerprint #blocklist #allowlist #badactors #waf

Last updated 2 years ago