@acp @dmoren @TSindelar @Kbenesh I caught up on #BadBatch to listen to your season one content and yes season one is pretty good and yes, season two is also available but might not make for very pretty podcasting. Hey, Omega gets kind of a plot twist at the end there. Exciting? Maybe? #starwars
Mein #starwars Monat geht zu ende. Zuletzt habe ich #BadBatch gesehen. Ich bin recht angetan von der Zusammenstellung der Einheit.
Ich kriege zwar immer eine Kriese wenn Planeten oder Personen gegenüber dem alten Universe geändert auftauchen aber das kann ich nicht der Serie im speziellen anrechnen.
Was mich etwas nervt ist die stark strapazierte Höhenangst eines der Charaktere.
Anybody else completely obsessed with Bad Batch and living in their own Bad Batch Headworld?
#StarWars #CloneWars #BadBatch
#starwars #clonewars #badbatch
El 4 de mayo de 2021 se estrena la serie animada The Bad Batch, por la plataforma Disney+.
On May 4, 2021, the animated series The Bad Batch premieres on the Disney+ platform.
#thebadbatch #badbatch #starwars
Sci-Fi 5: Star Wars: The Bad Batch – May 4, 2021
The #CloneWars are over, and yet some of the clone warriors keep on fighting the good fight. Today's Sci-Fi 5 marks a year since they get their own series in the form of #StarWars: The #BadBatch, and gets you caught up on the ongoing story. https://sci-fi-5.libsyn.com/star-wars-the-bad-batch-may-4-2021
#badbatch #StarWars #clonewars
Star Wars The Bad Batch: An Animated Dirty Dozen of Space Dads #starwars #badbatch @goblin_gavotte @Elana_Brooklyn https://graphicpolicy.com/2023/04/27/star-wars-the-bad-batch-an-animated-dirty-dozen-of-space-dads/
I know I’m late to the Bad Batch party but goddamn the S1 finale is a beautifully written and executed gut punch. (At least pt 1… just starting the second half 😭)
Animated Star Wars continues to be my favorite Star Wars by a long shot.
Ok, internet. Now that #StarTrek #Picard and #TheMandalorian are over, what do I watch now?
I feel like I've seen all the decent #Sci-Fi and #Fantasy out there.
I need to finish #BadBatch S2 and maybe I'll rewatch #Fringe...
#badbatch #fringe #fantasy #sci #themandalorian #picard #StarTrek
Out of all the things I have watched recently, I have to say that Bad Batch seems to be one of the most underrated program. I was hoping to see Lula/Tooka doll at Star wars celebration but no luck...maybe comic con will come through.
Bring on the Wrecker cosplayers and some love for Gonky :)
#starwars #badbatch #StarWarsCelebration #disneyplus #animation #fangirl #gonkdroid #wrecker #geek
#starwars #badbatch #starwarscelebration #disneyplus #animation #fangirl #gonkdroid #wrecker #geek
In Geek Grotto today, I talk about all the news coming out of Star Wars Celebration 2023 & put a spotlight on Clumsy Foulup in #ObscureCharacterCorner!
2pm today on ShmuFM: 99.8FM in Aberdeen or online at shmu.org.uk/fm
#GeekGrotto #radio #comics #scifi #gaming #StarWars #starwarscelebration #movies #themandalorian #ahsoka #badbatch #hasbro #marvel #silversurfer #clumsyfoulup #radio
#clumsyfoulup #silversurfer #marvel #hasbro #badbatch #ahsoka #themandalorian #movies #starwarscelebration #starwars #gaming #scifi #comics #radio #geekgrotto #obscurecharactercorner
Oh, it's the SEASON finale, not the SERIES finale. Which makes sense, because how could a series possibly end like THAT?
#thebadbatch #badbatch #starwars
Bad Batch S2 Review: "Season 2 of The Bad Batch Is Lightyears Ahead of the First — But It Still Needs to Clear a Few Things Up": https://www.tor.com/2023/04/04/star-wars-the-bad-batch-s2-review/.
#starwars #badbatch #tv #reviews #series #tvseries #spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi #scififantasy #sff #speculativefiction #geek #geekdom #nerd #nerdom #fandom
#starwars #badbatch #tv #reviews #series #tvseries #spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi #scififantasy #sff #speculativefiction #geek #geekdom #nerd #nerdom #fandom
Bad Batch S2 Review: "Season 2 of The Bad Batch Is Lightyears Ahead of the First — But It Still Needs to Clear a Few Things Up" | Tor.com:
#starwars #badbatch #tv #reviews #series #tvseries #spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi #scififantasy #sff #speculativefiction #geek #geekdom #nerd #nerdom #fandom
#starwars #badbatch #tv #reviews #series #tvseries #spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi #scififantasy #sff #speculativefiction #geek #geekdom #nerd #nerdom #fandom
Bad Batch S2 Review: "Season 2 of The Bad Batch Is Lightyears Ahead of the First — But It Still Needs to Clear a Few Things Up" | Tor:
#starwars #badbatch #tv #reviews #series #tvseries #spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi #scififantasy #sff #speculativefiction #geek #geekdom #nerd #nerdom #fandom
#starwars #badbatch #tv #reviews #series #tvseries #spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi #scififantasy #sff #speculativefiction #geek #geekdom #nerd #nerdom #fandom
#badbatch I really liked those last couple episodes - The Summit and Plan 99 - even if they did hurt me in the heart. Some really interesting connections to the past and the future.
I did not expect Plan 99! The other surprise was tipped by the accent though.
Big setup for next season... I expected an attempted rescue this time but should have known Crosshair was just bait.
Not the best of the #BadBatch season but a good cliffhanger near conclusion.